CONDENSED INTERPRETATION<br > OF 23rd PSALM<br > The Lord is my shepherd. I sing the song of the jubi-<br >lant soul for I have chosen God as my shepherd. Divine<br >Intelligence rules and guides me in all my ways. I shall<br >not want for peace, harmony, or guidance because<br >God s Wisdom governs me. I lie donna in green pas-<br >tures always, since God is prospering me beyond my<br >wildest dreams. I find myself bcside the still waters<br >as I claim the Infinite Peace of God floods my mind<br >and heart. My emotions (waters) are stilled and<br >calm. My mind is now serene and it reflects God s<br >Heavenly Truths and Light (my soul is restored.) I<br >think of God s Holy Presence within me all day long.<br >I walk the path of righteousness through my devotion<br >and attention to God s Eternal Verities. I know there<br >is no death and I fear no evil. I know "God has not<br > given us the spirit of fear, but of love and power, and<br > a sound mind." God s rod (Love) and staff (Truth)<br > comfort, sustain, and nourish me. The banquet table<br > of God is always set before me; it is the Secret Place<br > of the Most High, where in my thought I walk and<br > talk with God. I eat the nourishing Truths of God<br > whenever fear and worry (my enemies) trouble me.<br > The bread I eat is God s idea of peace, love, and faith<br >
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