罗杰·卡曼 [Roger Kamien] 1934年生于巴黎,6个月大被父母带到美国。先后获得哥伦比亚大学音乐学士、普林斯顿大学音乐学硕士和博士。曾在亨特大学教音乐史、音乐理论和音乐文献,后在纽约大学女王学院担任20年音乐欣赏教研室主任。1957~1959年,返回巴黎做富布赖特学者,专门研究18世纪音乐。1983 年,当选耶路撒冷希伯来大学祖宾·梅塔音乐学会主席。近年来,他和妻子安妮塔成立一个双人钢琴组。
Music 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Roger Kamien's "Music: An Appreciation" is the most widely used text for Music Appreciation and Introduction to Music Literature courses. The author has approached his new eighth edition with the goal of re-examining the scholarship and refreshing the repertoire while maintaining the book's strengths: the clear presentation of musical elements, the vivid depiction of music history, the carefully chosen musical examples, the detailed and informative Listening Outlines, and the unsurpassed supplements package.
Music 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书