奥利维雅•贾德森 (Olivia Judson),美女学者,进化生物学家,是亲缘利他理论创始人汉密尔顿的晚年弟子,牛津大学博士。现为伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College in London)研究员。其作品见于《自然》(Nature)、《科学》(Science)、《经济学家》(The Economist)、以及《泰晤士报高等教育副刊》(The Times Higher Education Supplement)等著名学术杂志和报刊。
Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
古人云:不孝有三,无后为大。意谓人生在世首要职责是传宗接代,如若成功,人生则如皓月当空,纵是无功也有功;若不成功,则如锦衣夜行,成就再大人生也属不完整。 不过话说回来,现在是二十一世纪,这些老调早已过时,年轻人只要高兴,干什么都可以。俗话说,有人爱群P有人爱...
评分记得中学时候,学校要求上生理卫生课,还发了生理卫生课本,红皮儿的,封面画了一男一女和一只鸽子。这书里有些几页内容,相当地少儿不宜。男同学都看了个不亦乐乎,女同学都红着个脸把书藏到桌洞最深处,只有没人的时候才拿出来看两眼。 大家都无比盼着正式上课,结果到头来...
评分蔡:什麼事情只要拉開了距離來看的話,就會比身處其中的時候要好過一點。性這件事情也是一樣,我今天最後要推薦的這本書『Dr.Tatiana給全球生物的性忠告』--我知道有些人覺得應該念忠ㄍㄨˋ,可是我還是念忠ㄍㄠˋ好了-- 就是真的一個演化生物學家,她用世界上各式各樣有史以...
评分In the previous popular science writings, one question that has been frequently brought up during the discussion is that “How science non-fictions can draw public interest without debasing the science knowledge in them?” This question bothers many writers...
A sex guide for all living things and a hilarious natural history in the form of letters to and answers from the preeminent sexpert in all creation.
Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation is a unique guidebook to sex. It reveals, for example, when necrophilia is acceptable and who should commit bestiality with whom. It discloses the best time to have a sex change, how to have a virgin birth, and when to eat your lover. It also advises on more mundane matters -- such as male pregnancy and the joys of a detachable penis.
Entertaining, funny, and marvelously illuminating, the book comprises letters from all creatures worried about their bizarre sex lives to the wise Dr. Tatiana, the only sex columnist in creation with a prodigious knowledge of evolutionary biology. Fusing natural history with advice to the lovelorn, blending wit and rigor, she is able to reassure her anxious correspondents that although the acts they describe might sound appalling and unnatural, they are all perfectly normal -- so long as you are not a human. In the process, she explains the science behind it all, from Darwin's theory of sexual selection to why sexual reproduction exists at all. Applying human standards to the natural world, in the end she reveals the wonders of both.
Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书