奧利維雅•賈德森 (Olivia Judson),美女學者,進化生物學傢,是親緣利他理論創始人漢密爾頓的晚年弟子,牛津大學博士。現為倫敦帝國學院(Imperial College in London)研究員。其作品見於《自然》(Nature)、《科學》(Science)、《經濟學傢》(The Economist)、以及《泰晤士報高等教育副刊》(The Times Higher Education Supplement)等著名學術雜誌和報刊。
A sex guide for all living things and a hilarious natural history in the form of letters to and answers from the preeminent sexpert in all creation.
Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation is a unique guidebook to sex. It reveals, for example, when necrophilia is acceptable and who should commit bestiality with whom. It discloses the best time to have a sex change, how to have a virgin birth, and when to eat your lover. It also advises on more mundane matters -- such as male pregnancy and the joys of a detachable penis.
Entertaining, funny, and marvelously illuminating, the book comprises letters from all creatures worried about their bizarre sex lives to the wise Dr. Tatiana, the only sex columnist in creation with a prodigious knowledge of evolutionary biology. Fusing natural history with advice to the lovelorn, blending wit and rigor, she is able to reassure her anxious correspondents that although the acts they describe might sound appalling and unnatural, they are all perfectly normal -- so long as you are not a human. In the process, she explains the science behind it all, from Darwin's theory of sexual selection to why sexual reproduction exists at all. Applying human standards to the natural world, in the end she reveals the wonders of both.
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第一次認識到科普還可以這樣寫,就像第一次看見科學鬆鼠會的文章一樣,看得那個歡樂啊~ 本書作者是一位性學傢,她根據對動物性行為的研究,反襯齣人類兩性存在的狀況——性是一個漫長的對抗曆程,中間有嫉妒、憤怒、殺戮,但也有愛與溝通。 性是難以啓齒的,也是充滿歡快的,為...
評分很久沒有看到如此精彩的科普作品,即便是幾歲的小孩,也能冠冕堂皇的讀完此書,跟你討論各種性愛的話題。 當然,彆妄想,絕對不色情,還有一點小嚴肅,不僅讓你瞭解這個世界生物多樣性,還讓你體驗一把生物學領域對於生物進化等各種研究結論的精妙案例,在看本書的時候,除瞭...
評分多年前我在圖書館裏其實看到過這本書比較老的一個版本,當時我正在鬧一種“社會學愛好”的癖好,並且信奉“男人的花心與女人的愛財都是自然屬性的錶現"——其實我現在仍然喜歡用這句話,但有時候也反過來說——既然我們是人,我們難道就真得跟著自己的獸性走嗎? 首先這是一本...
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