Letters To Lily 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
中国的民主将会是怎样的—— 作为城邦中的人,自我的概念,先验是有不可再分的实体的——称为原子的个人。也就是说,实在本体的人自然天生有一些基本权利,各人也只有相互以契约、法律为保障,既然有天生的权利,信托给他人也是可轻易给予或容易收回的(即所有权与经营...
评分421,中国式民主的家庭—— 100年来,我们的家由父母专政的宗族转变为,独生子女中心的核心小家关联的421纵向大家庭,进而扩大的亲戚、同事资源网络家庭。下层小家是西方民主结构的,上层大家是中国关系网络的——中国的社会结构转型、中国式的民主,正在你家中行进。 ...
评分好久前看过的书了,在商务书局涵芬楼买的。 今天是国际儿童图书日,想起推荐下这本书,里面的观念我们被灌输长大的这几代人未必知道和思考过...
图书标签: 哲学 麦克法兰 人类学 莉莉看世界 语言|原版 英国 社会|人类 原版
In a frank and unpretentious series of letters addressed to a teenage granddaughter, this highly original book teaches us to know and understand the world we live in and its rules, and how to behave in it. In these thirty letters, Alan Macfarlane answers his granddaughter's questions about how the world works, how it got to be as it is, what it could be, and where she fits in. Lily's enquiries range from the intimate, personal and moral to the political, social and philosophical. What is the nature of good and evil? What is religion? How can I be truly me? Is right and wrong the same wherever you are? What is beauty? Does there have to be torture? Does money matter? Is knowledge always good? What is progress? What is truth? What is sex? Is democracy a good idea? These are just a few of the questions. In responding to Lily's challenging problems, Alan Macfarlane, from a lifetime's experience as a historian, anthropologist and teacher, ranges through history and across the world's cultures. Her questions are timeless. His answers add up to a classic.
Love comes from self-sacrifice and tolerance.It comes from not expecting too much, not reliving in our children our failures and insufficiencies.【进度1/3】
评分 评分Nations are constructed and deconstructed. There is nothing or given about them.They are imagined, invented concepts and there is no British nation, no English nation,except in our imagination.
评分Letters To Lily 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书