In a frank and unpretentious series of letters addressed to a teenage granddaughter, this highly original book teaches us to know and understand the world we live in and its rules, and how to behave in it. In these thirty letters, Alan Macfarlane answers his granddaughter's questions about how the world works, how it got to be as it is, what it could be, and where she fits in. Lily's enquiries range from the intimate, personal and moral to the political, social and philosophical. What is the nature of good and evil? What is religion? How can I be truly me? Is right and wrong the same wherever you are? What is beauty? Does there have to be torture? Does money matter? Is knowledge always good? What is progress? What is truth? What is sex? Is democracy a good idea? These are just a few of the questions. In responding to Lily's challenging problems, Alan Macfarlane, from a lifetime's experience as a historian, anthropologist and teacher, ranges through history and across the world's cultures. Her questions are timeless. His answers add up to a classic.
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421,中國式民主的傢庭—— 100年來,我們的傢由父母專政的宗族轉變為,獨生子女中心的核心小傢關聯的421縱嚮大傢庭,進而擴大的親戚、同事資源網絡傢庭。下層小傢是西方民主結構的,上層大傢是中國關係網絡的——中國的社會結構轉型、中國式的民主,正在你傢中行進。 ...
評分西方何以産生機器生産的工業革命?—— 當初始條件是人處在一個與之相適當的封閉“小”環境時,人唯有嚮改變其小環境的本質努力,於是概念、抽象化它,進而本質轉換,發掘其新的生産力——即機器。進而擴張新的地域,再發展更好的機器。而看在一個小電話亭更能擠進多少...
評分 評分Nov. 14th --- Dec. 11th "Letters To Lily: On How The World Works" If your grandfather happens to be an anthopoligist, imagine the scope of questions you can ask him about. This book is answering the questions the author's granddaughter had ask him an...
評分萬事非體驗不為真。 我們對於自己的世界有太多的理所當然,太多的迷亂。 知道瞭周圍有多少東西隻是一種虛構和創造,你就占據瞭一個更加有利的位置,能夠更好地享受世界瞭。 父母和孩子的相處是天然的難題,恰到好處的自由和引導太難瞭。現代個人主義的傢庭體係古怪透頂,很少人...
圖書標籤: 哲學 麥剋法蘭 人類學 莉莉看世界 語言|原版 英國 社會|人類 原版
Nations are constructed and deconstructed. There is nothing or given about them.They are imagined, invented concepts and there is no British nation, no English nation,except in our imagination.
評分Candid truth about how he thinks the world works, explaining to his granddaughter in a humorous and witty way. This copy of mine was gifted by the author himself whom and whose wife Derek and i had the pleasure to meet and spend time with.
評分Love comes from self-sacrifice and tolerance.It comes from not expecting too much, not reliving in our children our failures and insufficiencies.【進度1/3】
評分Candid truth about how he thinks the world works, explaining to his granddaughter in a humorous and witty way. This copy of mine was gifted by the author himself whom and whose wife Derek and i had the pleasure to meet and spend time with.
評分Candid truth about how he thinks the world works, explaining to his granddaughter in a humorous and witty way. This copy of mine was gifted by the author himself whom and whose wife Derek and i had the pleasure to meet and spend time with.
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