Raoul-Gabriel Urma has worked as a software engineer for Oracle's Java Platform Group, Google's Python team, Ebay, and Goldman Sachs as well as for several startup projects. He's currently completing a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge and is a regular speaker and instructor. Mario Fusco is a senior software engineer at Red Hat working on Drools, the JBoss rule engine. He created the open source library lambdaj, an internal Java DSL for manipulating collections in a functional way. Alan Mycroft is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Cambridge, where he researches programming languages, their semantics, optimization and implementation. He is a co-founder and Trustee of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
You can follow Raoul and Mario on Twitter at @raoulUK and @mariofusco.
While the term "lambda expression" may sound abstract and academic, Java 8 Lambdas can have a big impact on how you program every day. In simplest terms, a lambda expression is a function—a bit of code—that you can pass to another method as an argument. Thus, you can cope with changing requirements by using a behavior, represented by a lambda, as a parameter. Java 8's functional programming features, like lambdas and the new Stream API that enables a cleaner way to iterate through collections, can help you write concise, maintainable code that scales easily and performs well on multicore architectures.
Java 8 in Action is a clearly-written guide to Java 8 lambdas and functional programming in Java. It begins with a practical introduction to the structure and benefits of lambda expressions in real-world Java code. The book then introduces the Stream API and shows how it can make collections-related code radically easier to understand and maintain. Along the way, you'll discover new FP-oriented design patterns with Java 8 for code reuse, code readability, exception handling, data manipulation, and concurrency. For developers also exploring other functional languages on the JVM, the book concludes with a quick survey of useful functional features in Scala.
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這本書作為學習Java8中新增加的編程知識還是非常不錯的。在前麵章節中,主要介紹瞭Java8中提供的新特性,比如lamda錶達式、stream、函數式編程、CompletableFuture類,新的日期類等等。幾乎覆蓋瞭所有的新特性,同時對於原理也有深入的介紹。 在介紹這些Java8中的新特性時,作...
評分我是先讀的《Java 8函數式編程》再讀該書,總體是兩本書的質量都非常高,五星推薦! 1.相比於《Java 8函數式編程》注重於介紹函數式編程相關,該本覆蓋的Java 8特性更全麵,在書中能看到對Optional、CompletableFuture、新的日期API的介紹; 2.該書對Stream的收集器介紹得更為...
評分 評分如果一開始學習Java是從Java 8以下的版本學習的,這本Java 8實戰值得一讀,Java 8相對於Java 7及之前的版本代碼優雅太多,結閤現在web業務前後端分離的Spring Boot後端框架,通過Java 8可以寫齣精煉、優雅的代碼。 本書全麵的介紹瞭Java 8的各種寫法,第一部分、第二部分屬於必...
評分圖書標籤: Java lambda 編程 計算機 軟件開發 Java8 8 英文原版
評分快速瀏覽,對Java 8一覽而過。當然,如果不熟悉FP,閱讀起來就會難一點。可作為資料書,便於隨時查閱Java 8的特性。此外,github上有該書的案例。
評分重點是 action,原理性知識講的很少,略過瞭函數式編程的思考和scala部分,後續係統學習函數式時再補
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