Howard Jacobson won the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse award in 2000 for The Mighty Walzer and then again in 2013 for Zoo Time. In 2010 he won the Man Booker Prize for The Finkler Question. He has written thirteen novels and five works of non-fiction.
Set in the future, a world where the past is a dangerous country, not to be talked about or visited, J is a love story of incomparable strangeness, both tender and terrifying. Two people fall in love, not yet knowing where they have come from or where they are going. Kevern doesn't know why his father always drew two fingers across his lips when he said a world starting with a J. It wasn't then, and isn't now, the time or place to be asking questions. Ailinn too has grown up in the dark about who she was or where she came from. On their first date Kevern kisses the bruises under her eyes. He doesn't ask who hurt her. Brutality has grown commonplace. They aren't sure if they have fallen in love of their own accord, or whether they've been pushed into each other's arms. But who would have pushed them, and why? Hanging over the lives of all the characters in this novel is a momentous catastrophe - a past event shrouded in suspicion, denial and apology, now referred to as What Happened, If It Happened. J is a novel to be talked about in the same breath as Nineteen Eighty Four and Brave New World, thought provoking and life changing. It is like no other novel that Howard Jacobson has written.
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評分雅各布森的小說揭示瞭當代人的記憶、想象力和獨立思考可能麵臨的種種威脅 本文首發於《南方人物周刊》 文 | 記者 李乃清 發自上海 “不是隻有病毒齣現時,人與人之間纔需要保持距離;這個世界已變得危機四伏,無論到哪裏,總聚集著一群烏閤之眾。”歐洲疫情肆虐期間,布剋奬得...
評分 評分官方抹去瞭書本記載,人們僅僅在口耳相傳中,用含混不清、模棱兩可的“齣事——如果真的齣過事”來指代那場事件。 官方從未明令禁止其不喜歡的書籍和音樂,它們僅僅是自動消失或不再演奏瞭。 流行文化取代瞭嚴肅的審美趣味,人們閱讀成功學、烹飪書和羅曼史;浪漫情歌代替瞭會...
評分圖書標籤: audible 美國 小說 不完美但獨特 Jacobson HowardJacobson Howard English
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