鲍勃•迪伦(Bob Dylan)
The Lyrics 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
尼采说,“如果没有音乐,生活将是一个错误。”对此我深信不疑。我也相信所有的艺术形式里都包含了音乐性。我常常想起中学时代手攥着省吃俭用的零花钱走进县城音像店买磁带时的狂喜心情。正是那些盗版磁带和复读机伴我度过了那段狭隘的黑暗岁月。 当然,和很多人一样,一开始我...
评分读过几首鲍勃迪伦的诗,也听过他的歌,虽然不算十分喜欢,但也有八分。欣赏他的态度和姿态。 包装用心,有点意思。但是太刁难强迫症患者了。广西师范大学出版社的选材眼光独到,有一定的思想性,近年出了好些口碑不错的书。 想了很久该怎么拆,开始的几本拆得有明显瑕疵,后面...
评分当我翻完鲍勃·迪伦的诗集时,竟是一种初读的错愕。如此直白、平庸的诗如何能成为人们传唱的经典?又如何能被诺贝尔文学奖组委会置于同叶芝、聂鲁达、米沃什等诗人的同等地位?我合上诗集,百思不得其解。我甚至想不起这么多诗里的任何一句,停留在我脑海里的,只有《Blowin' I...
评分1. 一次僭越,一场冒险 一袋薯片最有可能出现在什么地方? 沙发?街头?派对?电影院?散学后的操场边,无所事事的少年撕开薯片袋,二十四小时便利店里,疲倦的夜归人撕开薯片袋;长途旅行中,饥肠辘辘的异乡者撕开薯片袋。它是年轻的,快速的,清脆的,直接的,这世上每一分...
评分尼采说,“如果没有音乐,生活将是一个错误。”对此我深信不疑。我也相信所有的艺术形式里都包含了音乐性。我常常想起中学时代手攥着省吃俭用的零花钱走进县城音像店买磁带时的狂喜心情。正是那些盗版磁带和复读机伴我度过了那段狭隘的黑暗岁月。 当然,和很多人一样,一开始我...
图书标签: BobDylan 音乐 美国 english Ricks,Christopher Dylan,Bob ***Simon&Schuster***
“For fifty years, all the world has delighted in Bob Dylan’s books of words and more than words: provocative, mysterious, touching, baffling, not-to-be-pinned-down, intriguing, and a reminder that genius is free to do as it chooses.”
评分“For fifty years, all the world has delighted in Bob Dylan’s books of words and more than words: provocative, mysterious, touching, baffling, not-to-be-pinned-down, intriguing, and a reminder that genius is free to do as it chooses.”
评分“For fifty years, all the world has delighted in Bob Dylan’s books of words and more than words: provocative, mysterious, touching, baffling, not-to-be-pinned-down, intriguing, and a reminder that genius is free to do as it chooses.”
评分“For fifty years, all the world has delighted in Bob Dylan’s books of words and more than words: provocative, mysterious, touching, baffling, not-to-be-pinned-down, intriguing, and a reminder that genius is free to do as it chooses.”
评分“For fifty years, all the world has delighted in Bob Dylan’s books of words and more than words: provocative, mysterious, touching, baffling, not-to-be-pinned-down, intriguing, and a reminder that genius is free to do as it chooses.”
The Lyrics 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书