弗朗西斯·福山(Francis Fukuyama):日裔美籍学者,哈佛大学政治学博士,现任美国斯坦福大学弗里曼·斯伯格里国际问题研究所奥利弗·诺梅里尼高级研究员,此前曾任教于约翰·霍普金斯大学尼兹高等国际研究院、乔治·梅森大学公共政策学院,曾任美国国务院政策企划局副局长、兰德公司研究员。著有《历史的终结与最后的人》、《信任》、《十字路口上的美国》、《政治秩序的起源》等。现居加利福尼亚。
Political Order and Political Decay 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在福山新书《政治秩序与政治衰败》的扉页,刘瑜作序《如何到达丹麦》。这里面的丹麦自然不是真正地理意义上的丹麦。而是指一种美好如童话般的状态。具体到政治上,就是一个国家有法治、又民主,政府还高效而廉洁。 《政治秩序的起源》和《政治秩序与政治衰败》两本书是一脉相...
评分花了两周看完福山这本书的英文原版。毫无疑问,当代政治家都应该看看这本书,从而让自己在历史的坐标中更清楚是站在哪个象限的。福山没有提出新的政治理论---显然,政治发展到今天也真没有什么新的理论可以nudge the way---他主要是总结政治史的脉络,在一番上穷碧落下黄泉的努...
评分Political Order and Political Decay最大的遗憾不是在于它的内容,而是在于它对于福山本人的意义。本书发行后,许多评论认为它代表了自《历史的终结》之后,福山对于当代政治新的思考,象征他思想的转变。不得不说,这种看法实在过高估计了这本书的定位。 Political Order an...
评分包括弗朗西斯•福山这样的人已经被中国的发展所折服了。福山的《政治秩序的起源》这本书,完全是按照中国的发展模式来写的,先讲国家能力,再讲法治政府,最后讲负责制的政府,参照的是中国的经验。 整个西方政治史的写作,一般都是从古希腊开始写,到中世纪,再到英国革命、...
图书标签: 福山 政治学 政治 历史 政治史 2014
In The Origins of Political Order, Francis Fukuyama took us from the dawn of mankind to the French and American Revolutions. Here, he picks up the thread again in the second instalment of his definitive account of mankind's emergence as a political animal. This is the story of how state, law and democracy developed after these cataclysmic events, how the modern landscape - with its uneasy tension between dictatorships and liberal democracies - evolved and how in the United States and in other developed democracies, unmistakable signs of decay have emerged. If we want to understand the political systems that dominate and order our lives, we must first address their origins - in our own recent past as well as in the earliest systems of human government. Fukuyama argues that the key to successful government can be reduced to three key elements: a strong state, the rule of law, and institutions of democratic accountability. This magisterial account is required reading for anyone wishing to know more about mankind's greatest achievements.
Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
评分Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
评分Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
评分Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
评分Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
Political Order and Political Decay 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书