弗朗西斯·福山(Francis Fukuyama):日裔美籍學者,哈佛大學政治學博士,現任美國斯坦福大學弗裏曼·斯伯格裏國際問題研究所奧利弗·諾梅裏尼高級研究員,此前曾任教於約翰·霍普金斯大學尼茲高等國際研究院、喬治·梅森大學公共政策學院,曾任美國國務院政策企劃局副局長、蘭德公司研究員。著有《曆史的終結與最後的人》、《信任》、《十字路口上的美國》、《政治秩序的起源》等。現居加利福尼亞。
In The Origins of Political Order, Francis Fukuyama took us from the dawn of mankind to the French and American Revolutions. Here, he picks up the thread again in the second instalment of his definitive account of mankind's emergence as a political animal. This is the story of how state, law and democracy developed after these cataclysmic events, how the modern landscape - with its uneasy tension between dictatorships and liberal democracies - evolved and how in the United States and in other developed democracies, unmistakable signs of decay have emerged. If we want to understand the political systems that dominate and order our lives, we must first address their origins - in our own recent past as well as in the earliest systems of human government. Fukuyama argues that the key to successful government can be reduced to three key elements: a strong state, the rule of law, and institutions of democratic accountability. This magisterial account is required reading for anyone wishing to know more about mankind's greatest achievements.
Political Order and Political Decay 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
http://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21620053-how-benefits-political-order-are-slowly-eroding-end-harmony The end of harmony How the benefits of political order are slowly eroding A BASIC rule of intellectual life is that celebrity destroys quali...
評分在福山新書《政治秩序與政治衰敗》的扉頁,劉瑜作序《如何到達丹麥》。這裏麵的丹麥自然不是真正地理意義上的丹麥。而是指一種美好如童話般的狀態。具體到政治上,就是一個國傢有法治、又民主,政府還高效而廉潔。 《政治秩序的起源》和《政治秩序與政治衰敗》兩本書是一脈相...
評分做一個課題之前最幸運的事就是就是找到一篇新近的好綜述,裏麵窮根溯源、洋洋灑灑地展示瞭一個問題的來龍去脈和發展曆程,使你對自己所處的位置、想要解決的問題、能夠依賴的憑據有一個提綱挈領的清醒認識 。 對於政治學、社會學和曆史學領域的同學而言,福山的《政治秩序與政...
評分 評分福山在《政治秩序的起源》中,提齣“到達丹麥”是現代民主國傢的政治目標。接下來,又在《政治秩序與政治衰敗》中,論述瞭“如何到達丹麥”。 這兩部書,可以說是福山政治秩序學說的上下捲,觀點是一脈相承、想互遞進的。福山始終堅持,“國傢建構、法治、負責製政府”是一個國...
圖書標籤: 福山 政治學 政治 曆史 政治史 2014
Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
評分Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
評分Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
評分Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
評分Masterpiece, a must-read for understanding genernal political development
Political Order and Political Decay 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載