愛德華·休姆斯(Edward Humes)
新聞記者,曾獲得普利策新聞奬。休姆斯的作品包括《新生兒加護病房的春天》(Baby E.R)、暢銷書《密西西比泥沼》(Mississippi Mud》、《公平審列》(Mean Justice)以及獲得美國會年度非小說類大奬的《無論我多人聲音呼喊》(No Matter How Loud I Shout)。休姆斯現居住在南加州。
A Pulitzer prize-winning journalist spends a year immersed in the high-pressure world of a competitive public high school—where teens chase 4.0 grades point averages, survive on as little as four hours of sleep, and chug lattes like water—and discovers the human story of what it takes to be a top student in America. Humes introduces a cast of passionate students, and touches on topics relevant to parents, teachers, administrators, and politicians, including destruction of equal education in America; standardized testing and cheating by students, parents, schools, and governments; public schools that succeed; and over-testing in our nation's schools.
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評分看完此書,纔發現中國傢長有一個誤區,那就是"美國學生學習比中國更輕鬆更快樂". 其實美國高中生要想考上常青藤, 一樣要付齣非常艱辛的努力, 美國最好的高中也是唯分數至上的,從而犧牲瞭其他非標準考試之外的興趣愛好發展機會. 美國也一樣是補習班滿天飛, 甚至還不考到多少分...
評分 評分看這本書之前,我很想瞭解美國的初等教育是什麼樣的。但是我發現,Whitney作為全美最好的公立中學之一,它“好”的錶現就在於它跟亞洲中學的相似性 。這所學校在建立之初苟延殘喘的時候,就發現想在敵意滿滿的加州公立學校係統中立足的話,隻有一個重點要抓 – 升學率,還有常...
評分我相信來看這本書的大部分人都是因為微信上所轉發的4,4,4的文章故事纔關注到這本書:一天睡4小時,4杯咖啡,GPA4.0。 好成績真的沒那麼容易。即使是天纔,在這種高智商雲集的學校裏,除瞭花時間去努力以外,彆無選擇,隻為瞭跟上進度。我們大部分人都經曆過中學時光。那段日子...
圖書標籤: 教育 美國 education 社會/文化 以前讀過的書
Depicting the pressure cooker atmosphere of a uber competitive high school in the US
評分Depicting the pressure cooker atmosphere of a uber competitive high school in the US
評分Depicting the pressure cooker atmosphere of a uber competitive high school in the US
評分Depicting the pressure cooker atmosphere of a uber competitive high school in the US
評分Depicting the pressure cooker atmosphere of a uber competitive high school in the US
School Of Dreams 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載