Aurelio De Rosa is a full-stack web and app developer who develops jQuery plugins and contributes to various open source projects including the jQuery API documentation.
Bear Bibeault is coauthor of Manning's bestselling Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, along with Ajax in Practice and Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action.
Yehuda Katz is an early contributor to jQuery and co-creator of the Ember.js framework.
Thanks to jQuery, almost no one remembers the bad old days when you had to manually manage browser inconsistencies, CSS support, and DOM navigation, and every animation was a frustrating exercise in hand-coded JavaScript. jQuery beautifully manages these concerns, and more, through an elegant, instantly-intuitive library that's become a nearly-universal part of the web. And the latest version of jQuery adds even more features and components to make your life as a web developer smooth and productive.
jQuery in Action, Third Edition, is a fast-paced complete guide to jQuery focused on the tasks you'll face in nearly any web dev project. Written for readers with minimal JavaScript experience, this revised edition adds new examples and exercises, along with the deep and practical coverage you expect from an In Action book. You'll learn how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, write plugins, and even unit test your code. The unique lab pages anchor each concept with real-world code. Several new chapters teach you how to interact with other tools and frameworks to build modern single-page web applications.
jQuery in Action (3rd Edition) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
看過的英文程序書裏,單句平均最長、遣詞造句最拖遝的一本瞭。看得會想吐啊。。。有必要嗎,簡直騙稿費啊~ 確實挺詳細的,但有點過頭吧!要論詳細,不如看API文檔,文檔的詞句也更精煉,看起來更舒服。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
評分書不錯,但是隻看不練的話有點浪費時間,對於有編程經驗的人來說,沒必要細看作者的廢話,當一本查閱的書不錯. 另外附上我發現的好東西[jQuery參考文檔]:
評分這本書是基於JQuery 1.2的,哎,其實還是一本工具書。 繼PHP學習手冊後,這是我看的第二本工具書,到最後我實在讀不下去瞭。 我覺得這本書最好的部分,就是前幾章,尤其是選擇器的部分,寫的非常精彩,特彆是實驗室頁麵,讓我能有非常大的空間來自己實踐,非常精彩。 但是到瞭...
評分前半本是說 jQuery 的而後半部分則是 jQuery UI 的。。。 從操作 DOM 到 Ajax 再到 jQuery UI, 缺點是沒有深入的寫它內部的原理而是把 jQuery 當作一個不要知曉其內部結構的黑匣子來用。。。Demo 還沒有下。但是看書上的截圖貌似還不錯。。。
圖書標籤: jQuery 前端 design 計算機 編程 programming IT CS
jQuery in Action (3rd Edition) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載