Robert Anson Heinlein was educated at the University of Missouri and the U.S. Naval Academy. After serving as a naval officer for five years, he retired for health reasons and began publishing SF in 1939. Considered the dean of American SF writers, Heinlein was loved and emulated during the half century that he wrote SF. He wrote dozens of novels and short stories, including Double Star, Stranger in a Strange Land, and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, all of which won Hugo Awards. Heinlein was the recipient of the First Grand Master Nebula in 1975, and he was the guest of honor at three World SF Conventions: in 1941, 1961, and 1976. He has repeatedly been voted "best all-time author" in readers' polls. Robert A. Heinlein passed away in 1988.
obert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) was one of the most influential SF writers of any era (four of his 31 novels won Hugos, and he was the first to receive the Science Fiction Writers of America Grand Master Award). The Fantasies of Robert A. Heinlein gives newer SF readers and fans a less-known side of his work and opportunity to savor crisp sentences filled with telling detail, sardonic observations of character, and engrossing tales.
The stories, originally published in the 1940s and '50s, showcase Heinlein's science-fictional approach to fantasy. Though magic works and the supernatural underlies ordinary life, the reader is always firmly anchored in a lawful reality. The setting is the USA, sometimes in the mid-20th century, sometimes in a near future, always featuring very American characters. It's just that the salesman sells elephants and encounters fictional characters and ghosts ("The Man Who Traveled in Elephants"), the reporter covers a sentient whirlwind that collects old newspaper ("Our Fair City"), and the bartender is a time-traveling recruiter ("All You Zombies"). The ambitious, young California architect builds a house where doors and windows open on many places--but not to the outside he came in from ("And He Built a Crooked House"). And the paranoid patient's reality is saner than you think ("They"). The three novellas: "Magic, Inc.," "Waldo," and "The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag" are vintage Heinlein; the last is a Lovecraftian tale of an amnesiac who hires PIs to find out what he does all day--what they uncover isn't illegal but is supernaturally evil, and Hoag is neither perpetrator nor victim.
These stories feel a bit old-fashioned, but no one ignited the sense of wonder in readers better than Heinlein. This collection offers a golden opportunity to sample a master at his best.
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一個人的自我“搞基”史。 -----------------------------------------分隔綫---------------------------------------- “抱歉,你的評論太短瞭",嗬嗬,還有比這更簡明扼要的嗎。
評分永遠不要把明天要做的事搬到昨天去做。 如果你最終做成一件事,永遠不要再次嘗試。 看瞭簡介,迴頭看到這句話,纔明白它在說什麼··· 一個人無數次穿越導緻自己一個人構成瞭完整的故事,但是追尋的時候,明白瞭自己是怎麼來的,卻不知那些以前的自己是如何...
評分一個人的自我“搞基”史。 -----------------------------------------分隔綫---------------------------------------- “抱歉,你的評論太短瞭",嗬嗬,還有比這更簡明扼要的嗎。
評分永遠不要把明天要做的事搬到昨天去做。 如果你最終做成一件事,永遠不要再次嘗試。 看瞭簡介,迴頭看到這句話,纔明白它在說什麼··· 一個人無數次穿越導緻自己一個人構成瞭完整的故事,但是追尋的時候,明白瞭自己是怎麼來的,卻不知那些以前的自己是如何...
評分從穿越+循環的角度看,很可能是最完美的循環劇本瞭。 整個小說所有人物居然都是同一個人,我=父=母=嬰兒,四個角色在時空的混亂交叉中同時齣現在一個時空,荒誕而又引人沉思。 但無論如何,所有穿越到過去的劇情都隻是截取瞭循環的中間一部分,其實都無法解釋開始,這是一個...
圖書標籤: 科幻 羅伯特·海因萊恩 小說 穿越 美國 羅伯特・海因萊因 科幻小說 外國文學
評分Fuck youself!
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