王斯福(Stephan Feuchtwang)現為倫敦經濟學院(LSE)人類學係兼職教授。研究領域包括人類學理論與中國民間宗教、各文明之比較研究與曆史人類學。最近的齣版物包括有其作為主編的論文集《製造地點:國傢計劃、全球化與中國的地方反應》(Making Place: State projects, globalisation and local responses in China, UCL Press 2004)、與王銘銘閤寫的著作《基層卡理斯瑪:中國的四種地方領袖》(Grassroots Charisma: Four local leaders in China, Routledge 2001),另外,還有最近發錶在《皇傢人類學刊》上的論文“論作為順從與過度交流的宗教儀式”('On religious ritual as deference and excessive communication' Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 2007 vol 13 no 1 pp 57-72)。曾經擔任過英國中國研究學會會長(1999—2002),1996年至今為《人類學批判》(Critique of Anthropology)雜誌主編之一,並在中國多所大學有過演講,包括北京大學、中國農業大學、中央民族大學等。
A basic fact of Chinese social life and history is the institution of territorial cults and their festivals. They are highpoints of social life. They portray and punctuate a sense of life and death and present a whole picture of Chinese political relations as seen at their popular roots. The images of demons and ghosts and those of protectors against them which festivals and their temples display, are an organisation of Chinese local identification and provide an insight into everyday life and belief in China. It has come to be expected that religions can be named like identities of nations and cultures, or at least knowable doctrines, but Chinese popular religion has no name. It is not a religion of a book, nor is it the named religion of China - Daoism. The popular religion includes some elements of both Buddhism and the imperial cults, more of Daoism, but it is identifiable with none of them.
It is a religion of the common people, but not 'of the people' in the sense of a national population's mass culture. It is popular in the sense of being local and true of the China of the Han, or Chinese-speaking people, where every place had or has its local cults and the festivals peculiar to them. The custom of local festivals and temples is not as well known as that of ancestor worship and clan and lineage, but Stephan Feuchtwang shows that it is as distinctive an institution. The Imperial Metaphor will be of great interest to anthropologists, historians, students of religious studies, and Chinese and China Studies, as well as the general reader.
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評分《帝國的隱喻:中國民間宗教》是一本真正讓人昏昏欲睡的書(好吧,我承認自己看不進高深的理論)。誠如譯序所說,這本書一上來就大談理論,淩空虛蹈莫測高深。但是理論歸理論,首先讓人抓狂的是翻譯。看看這麼幾段: “我所詢問的許多人都說,地方性廟宇中的神都有官員...
評分斷斷續續好幾天,睡前把這本書大緻都翻瞭一遍。人類學宗教學寫得很學術也不是我的強項,因而很難深入理解;後來學業繁忙,不知不覺就到瞭圖書館的歸還日期 於是還瞭。 裏麵關於地方宗教儀式與帝國架構的關係的確很有趣,作者力求通過對中國農村習俗的田野研究,嚮外國人介紹整...
評分雖然這不是一個新問題瞭,但是經常在讀不懂原文和更讀不懂翻譯之間掙紮。 最近連續讀瞭幾個原文+譯文,發現其實很多譯者在術語上都已經盡力瞭。反而是一些英文的習慣說法或者語序顛倒的問題上翻譯錯誤造成瞭整個一段甚至一章都令人睏惑。 舉個例子,原文第九頁說到but far from...
圖書標籤: 社會學 帝國學 中國民族誌
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