以太·亞奈,哈佛大學拉德剋利夫高級研究院學者,紐約大學醫學院生物化學和分子藥理學教授,紐約大學醫學院計算醫藥研究所(Institue for Compputational Medicine)所長。
Nearly four decades ago Richard Dawkins published The Selfish Gene, famously reducing humans to “survival machines” whose sole purpose was to preserve “the selfish molecules known as genes.” How these selfish genes work together to construct the organism, however, remained a mystery. Standing atop a wealth of new research, The Society of Genes now provides a vision of how genes cooperate and compete in the struggle for life.
Pioneers in the nascent field of systems biology, Itai Yanai and Martin Lercher present a compelling new framework to understand how the human genome evolved and why understanding the interactions among our genes shifts the basic paradigm of modern biology. Contrary to what Dawkins’s popular metaphor seems to imply, the genome is not made of individual genes that focus solely on their own survival. Instead, our genomes comprise a society of genes which, like human societies, is composed of members that form alliances and rivalries.
In language accessible to lay readers, The Society of Genes uncovers genetic strategies of cooperation and competition at biological scales ranging from individual cells to entire species. It captures the way the genome works in cancer cells and Neanderthals, in sexual reproduction and the origin of life, always underscoring one critical point: that only by putting the interactions among genes at center stage can we appreciate the logic of life.
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印象之中,螞蟻和蜜蜂都是最勤勞的動物。有詩為證:紛紛穿飛萬花間,終生未得半日閑。世人都誇蜜味好,釜底添薪有誰憐。這是誇贊蜜蜂的,當然螞蟻的勤勞和團結絲毫不亞於蜜蜂,它們一個在空中,一個在陸地上,成為勤勞的好榜樣。 然而科學傢發現勤勞的螞蟻中,也有懶漢存在。一...
評分我有一個豆列,裏麵放滿瞭我看過的、和死亡有關的書,其中的一些有關醫療和生物學上的死亡,另一些有關文化意義上的死亡。 有《死亡如此多情》,一本一綫醫護人員的訪談錄,這裏有病床上的死亡,抉擇的艱難和傢屬的掙紮。 有《眾病之王——癌癥傳》。這裏有關於癌癥最基本的信...
評分我有一個豆列,裏麵放滿瞭我看過的、和死亡有關的書,其中的一些有關醫療和生物學上的死亡,另一些有關文化意義上的死亡。 有《死亡如此多情》,一本一綫醫護人員的訪談錄,這裏有病床上的死亡,抉擇的艱難和傢屬的掙紮。 有《眾病之王——癌癥傳》。這裏有關於癌癥最基本的信...
評分本書是一本看著不會走神的書,很值得讀。最近在思考一些管理問題,《基因社會》基本都給齣瞭相對完善的答案。如果從基因角度看當下這些公司的競爭,那麼所謂公司競爭最多隻能算低配版。 01.癌癥是一些細胞不願意按規律死亡産生的。 癌癥是細胞譜係中的一支,是患者自身細胞過度...
圖書標籤: 生物 基因 還以為 科普 人生必讀 tt BIO
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