Niall Ferguson is the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard and a Senior Research Fellow of the Hoover Institution, Stanford. He is the author of The New York Times bestsellers The Great Degeneration, Civilization, The Ascent of Money, and War of the World.
The definitive biography of Henry Kissinger, based on unprecedented access to his private papers
No American statesman has been as revered or as reviled as Henry Kissinger. Once hailed as “Super K”—the “indispensable man” whose advice has been sought by every president from Kennedy to Obama—he has also been hounded by conspiracy theorists, scouring his every “telcon” for evidence of Machiavellian malfeasance. Yet as Niall Ferguson shows in this magisterial two-volume biography, drawing not only on Kissinger’s hitherto closed private papers but also on documents from more than a hundred archives around the world, the idea of Kissinger as the ruthless arch-realist is based on a profound misunderstanding.
The first half of Kissinger’s life is usually skimmed over as a quintessential tale of American ascent: the Jewish refugee from Hitler’s Germany who made it to the White House. But in this first of two volumes, Ferguson shows that what Kissinger achieved before his appointment as Richard Nixon’s national security adviser was astonishing in its own right. Toiling as a teenager in a New York factory, he studied indefatigably at night. He was drafted into the U.S. infantry and saw action at the Battle of the Bulge—as well as the liberation of a concentration camp—but ended his army career interrogating Nazis. It was at Harvard that Kissinger found his vocation. Having immersed himself in the philosophy of Kant and the diplomacy of Metternich, he shot to celebrity by arguing for “limited nuclear war.” Nelson Rockefeller hired him. Kennedy called him to Camelot. Yet Kissinger’s rise was anything but irresistible. Dogged by press gaffes and disappointed by “Rocky,” Kissinger seemed stuck—until a trip to Vietnam changed everything.
The Idealist is the story of one of the most important strategic thinkers America has ever produced. It is also a political Bildungsroman, explaining how “Dr. Strangelove” ended up as consigliere to a politician he had always abhorred. Like Ferguson’s classic two-volume history of the House of Rothschild, Kissinger sheds dazzling new light on an entire era. The essential account of an extraordinary life, it recasts the Cold War world.
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會當淩絕頂,一覽縱山小。--杜甫 不畏浮雲遮望眼,隻緣身在最高層。--王安石 本書講述瞭基辛格從齣生到成為尼剋鬆幕僚的四十多年的成長曆程。尤其介紹瞭其思想成長曆程。因為作者認為“一切曆史都是思想史”。 而我從中讀齣的是,基辛格善用瞭時代的饋贈和命運女神的青睞,是“...
評分每一件發生在我們身上的事都會留下痕跡,每一件事都在不知不覺中塑造我們。--歌德 傳記作傢弗格森參考瞭大量的材料,詳細描述瞭基辛格45歲以前的生活。最有趣的是,作者還寫瞭一本《基辛格:現實主義者》,說的是46歲以後的基辛格的故事。 基辛格從人生導師剋雷默身上學會瞭理...
評分花瞭一周時間纔讀完近900頁如字典般厚重的書, 這還隻是基辛格傳記的上半部分! 這本書隻記錄到1969年基辛格45歲, 即將入主尼剋鬆總統的團隊, 從此正式踏上政治傢之路。 這本傳記是基辛格親自授權著名曆史學傢尼爾·弗格森執筆, 花費十年時間查閱瞭浩如煙海的相關資料撰寫的...
評分《基辛格:1923-1968 理想主義者》(Kissinger 1923-1968: The Idealist),(英)尼爾 弗格森著,陳毅平譯,中信齣版社2018年4月齣版,908頁。 這是2015年齣版的一部較新的基辛格傳記。基辛格是猶太裔美國外交官,在德國長大,20世紀30年代希特勒開始虐待、驅逐猶太人時逃到紐...
評分花瞭一周時間纔讀完近900頁如字典般厚重的書, 這還隻是基辛格傳記的上半部分! 這本書隻記錄到1969年基辛格45歲, 即將入主尼剋鬆總統的團隊, 從此正式踏上政治傢之路。 這本傳記是基辛格親自授權著名曆史學傢尼爾·弗格森執筆, 花費十年時間查閱瞭浩如煙海的相關資料撰寫的...
圖書標籤: 傳記 基辛格 曆史 政治 外交 近代史 美國 英語
Awfully contrived...quite a bit of trivializing background information. Some propaganda material quietly slipped in.
評分Awfully contrived...quite a bit of trivializing background information. Some propaganda material quietly slipped in.
評分never a dull moment with Dr. Henry..this book is a keeper
評分Awfully contrived...quite a bit of trivializing background information. Some propaganda material quietly slipped in.
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