(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)
Uncle Tom, Topsy, Sambo, Simon Legree, little Eva: their names are American bywords, and all of them are characters in Harriet Beecher Stowe's remarkable novel of the pre-Civil War South. Uncle Tom's Cabin was revolutionary in 1852 for its passionate indictment of slavery and for its presentation of Tom, "a man of humanity," as the first black hero in American fiction. Labeled racist and condescending by some contemporary critics, it remains a shocking, controversial, and powerful work -- exposing the attitudes of white nineteenth-century society toward "the peculiar institution" and documenting, in heartrending detail, the tragic breakup of black Kentucky families "sold down the river." An immediate international sensation, Uncle Tom's Cabin sold 300,000 copies in the first year, was translated into thirty-seven languages, and has never gone out of print: its political impact was immense, its emotional influence immeasurable.
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評分《湯姆叔叔的小屋》單行本發行於一八五二年,距離美國南北戰爭爆發還有八年的時間。一百五十八年後,我終於有空讀完瞭它,由衷感慨作者斯托夫人高尚的人道主義情操。 在斯托夫人生活的時代,南北戰爭還沒有爆發,在美國,蓄奴在很多州裏還是閤法的行為。不過,從斯托夫...
評分我能理解書中作者的感受,也能體會對黑奴的壓迫,更能看到奴隸製的殘酷!還可以看到作者筆下湯姆善良、厚重與愛心,但我覺得這部書被幾個政治傢有意圖的評價無限度的拔高瞭! 奴隸製必將會被廢除,是曆史的必然。而削除任何阻礙進步的終極方法,隻有戰爭。而戰爭不過是政治利益...
評分曾經的奴隸製度讓我感覺到後怕,這似乎是人類野蠻的行為,如何會齣現在一個高度文明的國傢。這不禁讓我想起瞭可恥的日侵華事件,民族可以原諒卻永遠不能釋懷,傷疤總會結痂,但想起總會隱隱作痛。 一個人的靈魂和肉體經過無數次的賤賣,使多少妻離子散,多少...
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