The Other Boleyn Girl 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
電影已經看過瞭,影片中所講的故事和原本小說是截然不同的兩個版本。隻能說對電影很是失望。 Mary與她的兄妹相比卻是是最幸福的人,因為他找到瞭自己的真愛,並沒有在權力上迷失自己。 同樣也是同情George的,為瞭自己的傢族與親人,最後連自己的命也摺瞭進去,從來...
評分Audience who has a good memory would be impressed by the opening scene of Wolf Hall when Duke of Norfolk (Uncle Howard of the Boleyns) and Duke of Suffolk came to Cardinal Wolsey asking for the great Seal of England and henceforth the story starts with the ...
評分Audience who has a good memory would be impressed by the opening scene of Wolf Hall when Duke of Norfolk (Uncle Howard of the Boleyns) and Duke of Suffolk came to Cardinal Wolsey asking for the great Seal of England and henceforth the story starts with the ...
評分Audience who has a good memory would be impressed by the opening scene of Wolf Hall when Duke of Norfolk (Uncle Howard of the Boleyns) and Duke of Suffolk came to Cardinal Wolsey asking for the great Seal of England and henceforth the story starts with the ...
評分既然是小說,為瞭有創作空間忽略一些曆史細節也不是不可以(雖然私心上覺得真有其事會更有感覺)。隻是覺得改變得很惡趣味。這一段曆史裏的政治大環境在這本書裏幾乎不存在,似乎一切都決定與一段多角戀愛的走嚮。不,不能說是愛情故事,隻能說成女人之間的爭風吃醋。 看瞭這一...
圖書標籤: 都鐸王朝 英文原著 fiction boleyn 英文原版 英國 English 英文閱讀
評分再一次看到Anne Bolyne和King Henry the Eighth吵架時,我決定放棄。我受不瞭這種言情小說啊臥槽,嘰嘰歪歪,嘰嘰歪歪,一進三退P進展也沒有!!曆史早已告訴我們結局,連懸念都沒有的小說要看的就是劇情,偏偏這本連這個也做不到,totally waste my time.
The Other Boleyn Girl 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載