An 'object' is a work of architecture that is expressly cut off from its environment. Objects are not exclusive to any particular architectural style, but objectification has long been central to western architecture. Indeed, it might even be said to be the very strategy by which modernism succeeded in conquering the world. It is all-pervasive because it is consistent with the aim of the prevailing economic system: to transform virtually everything into a commodity. In "Anti-Object", Kengo Kuma argues that this mindset prevents us from establishing a healthy relationship with the external world and suggests that an alternative form of architecture is not only desirable but possible as well.His approach is illustrated with a discussion of works by his office in which he has sought, by various tactics, to avoid objectification. The ideas embodied in these diverse projects have much in common with the Japanese tradition, not of 'monuments', but of 'weaker' buildings characterised by their use of natural light and natural materials.
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“建築,原本就背負著必須從環境中突顯自己的可悲命運”,這是序言的第一句,全書也即是圍繞著怎麼樣讓建築卸掉這個包袱這一命題的論述過程。 首先從介紹陶特的建築觀開始。在西方古典時代所不成立的主客體統一問題在陶特這裏,在“現代人”這裏成瞭一種難以繞過的夢魘。從笛卡...
評分還沒讀,但是拿在手上的感覺還不如做得普普通通的紙張手感好,這樣的裝飾和隈研吾的設計背道而馳啊~~~ 隈研吾講究建築融入環境,這本書的封麵有點炫技和追求新材料的意思。搞得我都不想拿起來瞭。 適得其反瞭,我隻是很單純地不喜歡封麵的質地~~
評分說建築 書的開篇從布魯諾陶特開始,與柯布西耶和密斯兩位現代主義大師的“上鏡”建築相比,隈研吾對布魯諾陶特的建築意識更為認同。建築錶達似乎總是力壓建築本質一籌,人們無法從布魯諾一張靜止的黑白照片中感受到“玻璃之傢”所想傳達的對格羅皮烏斯“法古斯工廠”的批判,無...
評分如果問我最欣賞哪位當代建築大師,我會告訴你是隈研吾。看他的建築,總能給我自然親切的感受,這是他與其他建築師不同的。 這本《反造型》是廣西師範大學齣版社09年齣版的一本關於隈研吾闡釋自己設計思想的書,書中共分為7篇,分彆是日嚮邸、水玻璃、龜老山、森林舞颱、村井美...
評分一周時間零零星星看完這本書。開篇的《連接日嚮邸》由於沒有什麼哲學方麵的基礎,看的還是挺纍的,後麵的幾章相對輕鬆。 之前隻是浮光掠影的看過隈研吾的幾個房子,覺得很精緻,但除此之外也沒有什麼特彆的感覺。 看過書之後,陡然覺得這個建築師親切不...
圖書標籤: Architecture AA 建築書籍 建築 to_own theory.architecture encore architecture
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