硃利安·巴恩斯(Julian Barnes)
《亞瑟與喬治》是除布剋奬獲奬作品《終結的感覺》外,巴恩斯最接近拿到布剋奬的小說。2005年布剋奬競爭異常激烈,憑藉《亞瑟與喬治》,巴恩斯獲得超過諾貝爾奬得主J. M. 庫切和石黑一雄的票選。二選一終選環節,評委爭執不下,甚至為瞭《亞瑟與喬治》延後瞭頒奬時間。盡管與布剋奬失之交臂,《亞瑟與喬治》卻得到瞭“布剋奬無冕之王”的美譽。
As boys, George, the son of a Midlands vicar, and Arthur, living in shabby genteel Edinburgh, find themselves in a vast and complex world at the heart of the British Empire. Years later—one struggling with his identity in a world hostile to his ancestry, the other creating the world’s most famous detective while in love with a woman who is not his wife–their fates become inextricably connected.
In Arthur & George , Julian Barnes explores the grand tapestry of late-Victorian Britain to create his most intriguing and engrossing novel yet.
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“對強者無所畏懼,對弱者保持謙卑” ——《亞瑟與喬治》 《亞瑟與喬治》這本書要靜下心來讀,作者是用交替的視角來敘述整個事件,書中大量的心理活動需要跟著主人公亞瑟和喬治不斷切換,戲劇化的錶現方式代入感也很強,很容易引起讀者的共鳴。 亞瑟和喬治,大變革時代的兩個小...
評分 評分 評分作者用富有想象力和細膩的文筆描述瞭同一時代,傢庭背景,種族以及習慣完全不同的兩個人。閱讀完全文,不僅會對福爾摩斯的創造者有更深的認識,還會看到在他當時的時代,不同職業,不同教育程度的人們的側寫。作者在對兩人傢庭環境的描寫上非常看重,我很贊同他的剖析。但是亞...
圖書標籤: 小說 英國 英國文學 英文原版 Julian Barnes 文學 外國文學
“I do not think,I do not believe,I know” Julian Barnes is definitely one of the most talented novelists today!His re-telling of Sir Conan Doyle’s real life feels so real but so fantastic.
評分“I do not think,I do not believe,I know” Julian Barnes is definitely one of the most talented novelists today!His re-telling of Sir Conan Doyle’s real life feels so real but so fantastic.
評分“I do not think,I do not believe,I know” Julian Barnes is definitely one of the most talented novelists today!His re-telling of Sir Conan Doyle’s real life feels so real but so fantastic.
評分“I do not think,I do not believe,I know” Julian Barnes is definitely one of the most talented novelists today!His re-telling of Sir Conan Doyle’s real life feels so real but so fantastic.
Arthur & George 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載