Jim Blandy has been programming since 1981, and writing Free software since 1990. He has been the maintainer of GNU Emacs and GNU Guile, and a maintainer of GDB, the GNU Debugger. He is one of the original designers of the Subversion version control system. Jim now works on Firefox’s web developer tools for Mozilla.
Programming Rust 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: Rust rust 编程 programming 计算机 Programming O'Reilly 編程語言
This practical book introduces systems programmers to Rust, the new and cutting-edge language that’s still in the experimental/lab stage. You’ll learn how Rust offers the rare and valuable combination of statically verified memory safety and low-level control—imagine C++, but without dangling pointers, null pointer dereferences, leaks, or buffer overruns.
Author Jim Blandy—the maintainer of GNU Emacs and GNU Guile—demonstrates how Rust has the potential to be the first usable programming language that brings the benefits of an expressive modern type system to systems programming. Rust’s rules for borrowing, mutability, ownership, and moves versus copies will be unfamiliar to most systems programmers, but they’re key to Rust’s unique advantages.
This book presents Rust’s rules clearly and economically; elaborates on their consequences; and shows you how to express the programs you want to write in terms that Rust can prove are free of a broad class of common errors.
Rust 是一门系统编程语言,也是许多区块链底层编程语言,不论是旧欢 Parity,还是新贵 Libra;不论是微软还是 Linux 的核心开发者都对它青眼有加。 Rust 有一些很迷人的地方,比如:AOT,内存安全性,空指针安全性,还是丰富的类型系统,异或是庞大的社区生态。这些别的语言也有,但是都没有这么彻底。 Rust 的特点也十分突出,Ownership 和 borrow、references 还有 shadow,令人眼花缭乱,最最有趣的就是你写一段程序,编译器会 blame 你很多,你就感觉是在和编译器搏斗。 学习 Rust 不只是一时兴起(早在2015年我就听闻过),也是一种拥抱变化的态度,重要的是可以让你在看众多区块链代码时不会那么心慌。 语言的趋势反映了未来的主流开发群体
评分读过官网"The book"之后再来看的这本书,内容深度和广度都要比"The book"好
评分很棒的书,主要面向有经验的程序员(特别是 C++ 程序员),有些地方没有官方的书讲得详细。其实最后一章 Unsafe Code 没看完,以后再看。。。600页不到的书为了公司培训做了200多页PPT,熬了不少夜,也是醉了。。。
评分Programming Rust
Programming Rust 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书