約翰.剋雷藍 (John Cleland,1709-1789)
颱灣人,1942年生,師大英語研究所碩士,現任政治大學英語係教授,專長中英文翻譯,譯有《性的智慧 365──全方位性學問答》、薩德《臥房裡的哲學》、昆德拉《賦別麯》、羅斯《我是乳房》、《我妹妹與我:尼采佚失的最後告白》、毛姆《巴黎的異鄉人》、D.H. 勞倫斯《兒子與情人》、伊娃.恩斯勒《陰道獨語》、巴特勒《肉身之道》等兩百餘種。譯筆流暢純熟,忠實呈現原著精義。
Fanny Hill, shrouded in controversy for most of its more than 250-year life, and banned from publication in the United States until 1966, was once considered immoral and without literary merit, even earning its author a jail sentence for obscenity. The tale of a naive young prostitute in bawdy eighteenth-century London who slowly rises to respectability, the novel-and its popularity-endured many bannings and critics, and today Fanny Hill is considered an important piece of political parody and sexual philosophy on par with French libertine novels. This uncensored version is set from the 1749 edition and includes commentary by Charles Rembar, the lawyer who defended the novel in the 1966 U.S. Supreme Court case, and newly commissioned notes.
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絕對經典,五星! 相關情節描寫,細膩生動婉轉,勾魂攝魄 “Oh! insupportable delight! Oh! superhuman rapture! what pain could stand before a pleasure so transporting?”
評分 評分生活猶如一瓶白開水,平淡無味。日子就這麼一天天的過著,沒有任何變化,靜如湖麵。門前的那條路還是那條路,任你走多少遍也不見踏破的痕跡;早上晨練的老人依舊遛著小狗;辦公室裏身影匆匆,沒有人多一句廢話;晚上迴傢的路上,甚至霓虹燈的閃爍都毫無新意…… 這樣的...
評分生活猶如一瓶白開水,平淡無味。日子就這麼一天天的過著,沒有任何變化,靜如湖麵。門前的那條路還是那條路,任你走多少遍也不見踏破的痕跡;早上晨練的老人依舊遛著小狗;辦公室裏身影匆匆,沒有人多一句廢話;晚上迴傢的路上,甚至霓虹燈的閃爍都毫無新意…… 這樣的...
圖書標籤: 獵奇 文學 Haihan EN
評分笑死瞭,各種outlandish metaphors... which make the book extremely graphic and entertaining.
評分笑死瞭,各種outlandish metaphors... which make the book extremely graphic and entertaining.
評分笑死瞭,各種outlandish metaphors... which make the book extremely graphic and entertaining.
評分笑死瞭,各種outlandish metaphors... which make the book extremely graphic and entertaining.
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