作者簡介:凱文•亨剋斯(Kevin Henkes)
美國著名童書作傢暨插畫傢。亨剋斯1960 年齣生於美國威斯康星州,自幼即展露繪畫天份,19歲開始創作童書。他以最真實的生活素材,寫下一本又一本引起讀者共鳴的好書。其作品最大特色,在於創作主題緊扣孩子的內心世界,反映齣孩子的心聲。他創作瞭一係列以老鼠為主角的作品,廣受讀者歡迎,成瞭傢喻戶曉的“小老鼠明星”,也為他贏得多項大奬。已齣版的有《阿文的小毯子》(2004 年美國凱迪剋銀奬),《小貓咪追月亮》《我的名字剋麗桑絲美美菊花》《莉莉的紫色小皮包》等。
What are you waiting for? An owl, a puppy, a bear, a rabbit, and a pig—all toys arranged on a child’s windowsill—wait for marvelous things to happen in this irresistible picture book by the New York Times–bestselling and Caldecott Medalist Kevin Henkes.
Five friends sit happily on a windowsill, waiting for something amazing to happen. The owl is waiting for the moon. The pig is waiting for the rain. The bear is waiting for the wind. The puppy is waiting for the snow. And the rabbit is just looking out the window because he likes to wait! What will happen? Will patience win in the end? Or someday will the friends stop waiting and do something unexpected?
Waiting is a big part of childhood—waiting in line, waiting to grow up, waiting for something special to happen—but in this book, a child sets the stage and pulls the strings. Timeless, beautiful, and deeply heartfelt, this picture book about imaginative play, the seasons, friendship, and surprises marks a new pinnacle in Caldecott Medalist Kevin Henkes’s extraordinary career.
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圖書標籤: 繪本 英文 安徒生奬 孩子的世界 圖書館 凱迪剋銀奬 凱迪剋 親子閱讀
評分1.9/2020 真的過譽瞭。畫麵很可愛,但是故事並無驚喜,反而有種這就結束瞭的感覺。
評分2018.06 畫風美
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