Dr. Marah J. Hardt is the founder of OceanInk and Media Director for the non-profit Future of Fish. A coral reef ecologist by training, she is a former research fellow at Blue Ocean Institute. Her articles have appeared in academic and popular media, including Scientific American, The American Prospect, Yale e360, and Scuba Diver Magazine. Dr. Hardt lives in Boulder, CO.
Forget the Kama Sutra. When it comes to inventive sex acts, just look to the sea. There we find the elaborate mating rituals of armored lobsters; giant right whales engaging in a lively threesome whilst holding their breath; full moon sex parties of groupers and daily mating blitzes by blueheaded wrasse. Deep-sea squid perform inverted 69s, while hermaphrodite sea slugs link up in giant sex loops. From doubly endowed sharks to the maze-like vaginas of some whales, Sex in the Sea is a journey unlike any other to explore the staggering ways life begets life beneath the waves.
Beyond a deliciously voyeuristic excursion, Sex in the Sea uniquely connects the timeless topic of sex with the timely issue of sustainable oceans. Through overfishing, climate change, and ocean pollution we are disrupting the creative procreation that drives the wild abundance of life in the ocean. With wit and scientific rigor, Hardt introduces us to the researchers and innovators who study the wet and wild sex lives of ocean life and offer solutions that promote rather than prevent, successful sex in the sea. Part science, part erotica, Sex in the Sea discusses how we can shift from a prophylactic to a more propagative force for life in the ocean.
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如果讓你描述對海洋生物的印象,你會想到什麼? 如果問你,海洋生物怎麼在這一片鹽水裏繁衍後代,你會有答案麼? 如果你從沒想過這些問題,那麼這本書——《SEX IN THE SEA》,問齣瞭這些問題,同時給瞭我們一個妙趣橫生的答案! 簡單總結一下,這是一位美國的海洋生態女博士撰...
評分 評分還差幾頁沒看完(作者感謝瞭一大堆幫助她寫這本書的研究者和親人 所以可能明天略看一看就好瞭) 首先這個作者真的是妙語連珠 她並沒有很低俗地去講述海洋當中發生的性愛 而且我真的認“性與愛”這個是加分點 如果換成《海洋當中的交配與繁殖》我估計放在我旁邊我都不會瞥一眼 ...
評分這是一本科普書,擬人化地描寫海洋生物的繁殖行為,文筆詼諧幽默,內容科學嚴謹,感覺就是中央九紀錄頻道相關節目的文字版。 一些擬人場景的虛構與誇張,不過是為瞭便於讀者領會海洋物種那些韆奇百怪的求偶方式,閱讀時會覺得有趣,而不是“情色”,絕對是一本正經的冷知識。...
評分這是一本科普書,擬人化地描寫海洋生物的繁殖行為,文筆詼諧幽默,內容科學嚴謹,感覺就是中央九紀錄頻道相關節目的文字版。 一些擬人場景的虛構與誇張,不過是為瞭便於讀者領會海洋物種那些韆奇百怪的求偶方式,閱讀時會覺得有趣,而不是“情色”,絕對是一本正經的冷知識。...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 翻譯 自然 科普 看中文版 電子書 science-nature kindle
entertaining, enlightening, smart, and jaw-dropping
評分entertaining, enlightening, smart, and jaw-dropping
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