Rob Schmitz is the China correspondent for American Public Media's Marketplace. He has won several awards for his reporting on China, including two national Edward R. Murrow Awards and an Education Writers Association Award. His work was also a finalist for the 2012 Investigative Reporters and Editors Award.
Paul Boehmer is a seasoned actor who has appeared on Broadway, film, and television, including The Thomas Crown Affair and All My Children. Coinciding with another of his passions, sci-fi, Paul has been cast in various roles in many episodes of Star Trek. --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.
Modern Shanghai: a global city in the midst of a renaissance, where dreamers arrive each day to partake in a mad torrent of capital, ideas, and opportunity. Marketplace's Rob Schmitz is one of them. He immerses himself in his neighborhood, forging deep relationships with ordinary people who see in the city's sleek skyline a brighter future, and a chance to rewrite their destinies. There's Zhao, whose path from factory floor to shopkeeper is sidetracked by her desperate measures to ensure a better future for her sons. Down the street lives Auntie Fu, a fervent capitalist forever trying to improve herself with religion and get-rich-quick schemes while keeping her skeptical husband at bay. Up a flight of stairs, musician and cafe owner CK sets up shop to attract young dreamers like himself but learns he's searching for something more. A tale of twenty-first-century China, Street of Eternal Happiness profiles China's distinct generations through multifaceted characters who illuminate an enlightening, humorous, and at times heartrending journey along the winding road to the Chinese Dream.
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比起南京路、淮海路等這些耳熟能詳的上海著名道路以外,長樂路似乎和絕大多數的上海老街道一樣逐漸被人遺忘。 在長樂路上,上世紀三十年代興建的上海最高的地標之一的錦江飯店逐漸成為一代人的符號,慢慢的消失在曆史長河中。即便是新錦江飯店的齣現也無法阻擋曆史除瞭留存之外...
評分從烏魯木齊路嚮東走,第一個地點是位於匯賢居南側“陳市長”的麥琪裏,記得作者寫到從匯賢居往下看南側是一大片的空白荒地,幾年過去瞭,不知道還是不是這樣。 從烏魯木齊路嚮南走到安福路,南側道路立著一排圍牆,裏麵依舊是荒地,圍牆上麵已經換瞭標語“上善若水常處下,至德...
評分《長樂路》與我之前寫到的那本《Shanghai Free Taxi》不同之處在於,作者對中國人民是抱有同理心的。後者的作者還是以外來者的眼光看中國的故事,而《長樂路》的作者住在上海,娶瞭個abc老婆,兒子會說的第一個單詞是世博會的吉祥物“海寶”,對長樂路上的鄰居們、本書裏的主人...
評分 評分長樂路,是上海中心城區一條長約3.2公裏的馬路。美國記者史明智在此居住瞭六年,融入當地的生活,見證個中命運顛沛。此前,史明智曾與美國知名廣播節目叫闆,蓋因後者對富士康工廠的報道失實,此舉為史明智贏得瞭“調查記者與編輯”奬。而《長樂路》一書足以被授予另一項勇氣大...
圖書標籤: 上海 紀實 中國 英文原版 紀實中國 社會 非虛構 城市
評分講述瞭一條 3.2 公裏的路上居住的一些人們的故事,覆蓋瞭建國前後至今的中國人的大部分經曆。有失落的十年,也有現在青年麵臨的問題,還有一些經濟發展中的社會亂相,涉及到瞭挺多比較敏感的話題。推薦閱讀。
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