Kazuo Umezu, the grandmaster of horror manga, returns with the third chilling volume of his "Scary Book" anthology series. In "Fear," Aiko is always ignored and neglected when compared to her beautiful older sister, Momoko. But when Momoko is horribly disfigured in an accident and goes mad, it's up to Aiko to bring home young girls her sister can use...to make a new face! And in "The Coincidental Letter," a young girl named Yoko, in a fit of mischief, sends an insulting letter to a made-up girl at a made-up address warning her of a horrible fate. However, by incredible coincidence, both the girl and the address are real, and everything in the letter starts coming true!
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圖書標籤: 漫畫 恐怖漫畫 恐怖 KazuoUmezu
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