BERNADETTE MURPHY was born and brought up in the UK. She has lived in the south of France for most of her adult life and worked in many different fields. A series of chance events led her to start investigating the life of Van Gogh in Arles, but little did she know what an exciting adventure it would turn out to be. Van Gogh’s Ear is her first book.
On a dark night in Provence in December 1888 Vincent van Gogh cut off his ear. It is an act that has come to define him. Yet for more than a century biographers and historians seeking definitive facts about what happened that night have been left with more questions than answers.
In Van Gogh’s Ear Bernadette Murphy sets out to discover exactly what happened that night in Arles. Why would an artist at the height of his powers commit such a brutal act of self-harm? Was it just his lobe, or did Van Gogh really cut off his entire ear? Who was the mysterious “Rachel” to whom he presented his macabre gift? Murphy’s investigation takes us from major museums to the moldering contents of forgotten archives, vividly reconstructing the world in which Van Gogh moved—the madams and prostitutes, café patrons and police inspectors, his beloved brother, Theo, and his fellow artist and house guest Paul Gauguin. With exclusive revelations and new research about the ear and about Rachel, Bernadette Murphy proposes a bold new hypothesis about what was occurring in Van Gogh’s heart and mind as he made a mysterious delivery to a woman’s doorstep that fateful night.
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圖書標籤: VanGogh 英文原版 傳記迴憶錄 曆史 傳記-迴憶錄 傳記 Non-Fiction
R4 兩句話說明本書研究成果:經當年負責治療的實習生Félix Rey證實,割掉的差不多是整隻左耳,隻剩一點耳垂;草圖現存梵高博物館。贈送對象是妓院一位女僕Gabrielle,此前她被狗咬傷接受昂貴的免疫治療;贈送有一點耶穌的味道。跑題一下,把一個男瘋子·真趕走要大費周章,但把一個正常女子關進精神病院隻要隨便一句話
評分R4 兩句話說明本書研究成果:經當年負責治療的實習生Félix Rey證實,割掉的差不多是整隻左耳,隻剩一點耳垂;草圖現存梵高博物館。贈送對象是妓院一位女僕Gabrielle,此前她被狗咬傷接受昂貴的免疫治療;贈送有一點耶穌的味道。跑題一下,把一個男瘋子·真趕走要大費周章,但把一個正常女子關進精神病院隻要隨便一句話
評分R4 兩句話說明本書研究成果:經當年負責治療的實習生Félix Rey證實,割掉的差不多是整隻左耳,隻剩一點耳垂;草圖現存梵高博物館。贈送對象是妓院一位女僕Gabrielle,此前她被狗咬傷接受昂貴的免疫治療;贈送有一點耶穌的味道。跑題一下,把一個男瘋子·真趕走要大費周章,但把一個正常女子關進精神病院隻要隨便一句話
評分R4 兩句話說明本書研究成果:經當年負責治療的實習生Félix Rey證實,割掉的差不多是整隻左耳,隻剩一點耳垂;草圖現存梵高博物館。贈送對象是妓院一位女僕Gabrielle,此前她被狗咬傷接受昂貴的免疫治療;贈送有一點耶穌的味道。跑題一下,把一個男瘋子·真趕走要大費周章,但把一個正常女子關進精神病院隻要隨便一句話
評分R4 兩句話說明本書研究成果:經當年負責治療的實習生Félix Rey證實,割掉的差不多是整隻左耳,隻剩一點耳垂;草圖現存梵高博物館。贈送對象是妓院一位女僕Gabrielle,此前她被狗咬傷接受昂貴的免疫治療;贈送有一點耶穌的味道。跑題一下,把一個男瘋子·真趕走要大費周章,但把一個正常女子關進精神病院隻要隨便一句話
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