Elliott is a researcher and strategic designer whose work focuses on speculative alternatives at the confluence of social, technological and environmental developments. He has previously taught as part-time faculty in SDS, in the BFA in Integrated Design, BBA in Strategic Design & Management and MFA in Transdisciplinary Design. He is a co-founder of The Extrapolation Factory, a design-led futuring studio based in Brooklyn, NY. He has practiced as a design consultant for clients such as the NYC Department of Education, Autodesk, GE, LG, Honeywell, and Johnson & Johnson, as well as for tech startups, cultural institutions and non-profits. His design work has been exhibited internationally, including shows at the Museum of Arts and Design, the Shanghai Power Station of Art and the Biennale du Design in Saint-Etienne France. He is a former design research resident at the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency, Energy. He holds an MA in design interactions from the Royal College of Art in London and a BA in industrial design from Carnegie Mellon University
Extrapolation Factory - Operator's Manual 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Elliott是一位超级好的老师,我每次遇到问题,找他讨论,他不厌其烦可以和我讨论好久,带给我好多设计灵感。 我现在给香港理工大学设计学院的学生教他们Radical Design,与此同时也会涉及很多Critial Design的参考。 这本书是Elliott结合他自己在RCA导师Dunne&Raby指导下关...
评分Elliott是一位超级好的老师,我每次遇到问题,找他讨论,他不厌其烦可以和我讨论好久,带给我好多设计灵感。 我现在给香港理工大学设计学院的学生教他们Radical Design,与此同时也会涉及很多Critial Design的参考。 这本书是Elliott结合他自己在RCA导师Dunne&Raby指导下关...
评分Elliott是一位超级好的老师,我每次遇到问题,找他讨论,他不厌其烦可以和我讨论好久,带给我好多设计灵感。 我现在给香港理工大学设计学院的学生教他们Radical Design,与此同时也会涉及很多Critial Design的参考。 这本书是Elliott结合他自己在RCA导师Dunne&Raby指导下关...
评分Elliott是一位超级好的老师,我每次遇到问题,找他讨论,他不厌其烦可以和我讨论好久,带给我好多设计灵感。 我现在给香港理工大学设计学院的学生教他们Radical Design,与此同时也会涉及很多Critial Design的参考。 这本书是Elliott结合他自己在RCA导师Dunne&Raby指导下关...
评分Elliott是一位超级好的老师,我每次遇到问题,找他讨论,他不厌其烦可以和我讨论好久,带给我好多设计灵感。 我现在给香港理工大学设计学院的学生教他们Radical Design,与此同时也会涉及很多Critial Design的参考。 这本书是Elliott结合他自己在RCA导师Dunne&Raby指导下关...
图书标签: 设计 设计理论 speculative future mythology Critical roll platform
Conversations about the future are often overly simplified and based on popularized visions of what could be. In The Extrapolation Factory Operator’s Manual, Montgomery and Woebken illuminate their work to democratize futures research, elucidating strategies culled from think tanks and futurists as well as models and techniques they've developed for organizing collaborative futures explorations. Their approaches introduce a range of visioning methods that, when shared with non-futurists in community and organizational forums, could profoundly influence our ability to envision possible futures. The text is published as a bilingual manual in Mandarin Chinese and English.
评分态度很明确 方法论略简单 案例分析能更具体些就好了 如果推演未来并非是靠科幻电影中已经视觉化了的幻想 而是要从当下出发的话 书中似乎跳过当下而直接用现成的数据库中的未来情景作为起点 最重要的发现及分析问题环节被忽略 艺术家/预想家或者未来学者处在了一个很尴尬的位置:因为缺乏相关领域知识 他们没法研究事物本质 只能从外部(简单功能 使用方式 不影响功能的材质和外形等)试图给出解决方案 我不知道这样的角色在与科学家合作的过程中能起多大作用 不过更重要的是 他们能否认清未来学本质 从形而上的行事风格中脱离出来 着眼于真正的理性思考
Extrapolation Factory - Operator's Manual 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书