On the Aesthetic Education of Man 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《审美教育书简》 这样一来,原因既不在事物之中,那么,在人的心灵里肯定存在着某种东西,这种东西阻碍接受真理,不管真理如何明亮地照耀着,这种东西阻碍承认真理,不管真理多么生动地令人信服。一位古代的智者已经感受到了这一点,这个道理就隐含在意味深长的表述之中:sape...
评分剑和刷 ————席勒和鲁迅 近读席勒《审美教育书简》(北京大学出版社1985版 冯至/范大灿译),此书由27封信组成,是写给资助他的丹麦奥古斯腾堡公爵的,但是译者觉得信里只论述了“溶解性的美”没有论述“振奋性的美”,所以又附上了他的《论崇高》一文。关于内容我就不说...
评分1.美是要在自然对人的先天局限中先完成统一,就是说①承认物质,否则人无以立;②追求美,否则人将溺于物质中,被广大的自然拖行。要“美”来强力统一两种人的天性:懒散的堕落&粗野的冲动。 2. 而在27封信之外,另附《论崇高》。就是点明即使一切顺利,人们追求美而又能...
评分席勒的美是独立的,区别于理性、道德。席勒认为美与道德不相容,道德是运用纯粹理性的规定性,美是运用自然的规定性。他认为美不能产生真理和智慧。美是现象中的自由。审美是将一切事物看做本身的目的。 席勒认为美是对心灵的一种调节,艺术的作用是使心灵得到协调,防止各种心...
评分序P2:唯有通过游戏性的审美,才能改变人的异化状态,弥合人性(感性与形式冲动)的分裂,达致人性的完美。 主张通过艺术和审美活动把人从工具理性中解放出来。 第四封信: P8 理性的法则通过不受诱惑的意识而铭记在人心中,自然的法则通过不可泯灭的情感而铭记在人心中。道德...
图书标签: 德国 哲学 Philosophy 教育 政治哲学 德奥瑞 学 Schiller
German poet and philosopher Friedrich Schiller’s famous text on art, politics, and society
“The artist is certainly the child of his age, but all the worse for him if he is at the same time its pupil, even worse its minion.”
One of the most profound works of German philosophy, Friedrich Schiller’s On the Aesthetic Education of Man examines politics, revolution, and the history of ideas in order argue that art should have a greater role in shaping society. Deeply disillusioned with the course of the French Revolution, Schiller expressed his complaints in a series of letters to a patron, an impassioned attempt to drag mankind upward from failure to greatness by placing ideas of aesthetic education at the heart of the human experience: “Our era has actually taken both wrong turnings, and has fallen prey to coarseness on the one path, lethargy and perversity on the other. Having strayed along both paths, it is beauty that can lead [us] back.”
One of Germany’s greatest political statements from a time of revolutionary change, Schiller’s arguments are as arresting, challenging, and inspiring today as when they were first written.
评分Recapitulating human history through the microcosm of a person who conceives of form through the aesthetic experience. The upward path from beauty to truth is quick, so is the equation between truth and morality. Barely a plan for politics as is often claimed--zero attention is paid to the transformative effects of institutions upon individuals.
评分Recapitulating human history through the microcosm of a person who conceives of form through the aesthetic experience. The upward path from beauty to truth is quick, so is the equation between truth and morality. Barely a plan for politics as is often claimed--zero attention is paid to the transformative effects of institutions upon individuals.
On the Aesthetic Education of Man 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书