柯蒂斯·道金斯(Curtis Dawkins),在美國的伊利諾伊州的鄉村長大,曾就讀於西密歇根大學的創意寫作專業並獲得藝術碩士學位。《格雷巴旅館》是其監獄文學處女作,因視角獨特而受到全球關注,版權已售齣多國,深受各方讀者好評。
In this stunning debut collection, Curtis Dawkins, an MFA graduate and convicted murderer serving life without parole, takes us inside the worlds of prison and prisoners with stories that dazzle with their humor and insight, even as they describe a harsh and barren existence.
In Curtis Dawkins’s first short story collection, he offers a window into prison life through the eyes of his narrators and their cellmates. Dawkins reveals the idiosyncrasies, tedium, and desperation of long-term incarceration—he describes men who struggle to keep their souls alive despite the challenges they face.
In “A Human Number,” a man spends his days collect-calling strangers just to hear the sounds of the outside world. In “573543,” an inmate recalls his descent into addiction as his prison softball team gears up for an annual tournament against another unit. In “Leche Quemada,” an inmate is released and finds freedom more complex and baffling then he expected. Dawkins’s stories are funny and sad, filled with unforgettable detail—the barter system based on calligraphy-ink tattoos, handmade cards, and cigarettes; a single dandelion smuggled in from the rec yard; candy made from powdered milk, water, sugar, and hot sauce. His characters are nuanced and sympathetic, despite their obvious flaws.
The Graybar Hotel tells moving, human stories about men enduring impossible circumstances. Dawkins takes readers beyond the cells into characters’ pasts and memories and desires, into the unusual bonds that form during incarceration and the strained relationships with family members on the outside. He’s an extraordinary writer with a knack for metaphor, and this is a powerful compilation of stories that gives voice to the experience of perhaps the most overlooked members of our society.
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作者是正在服刑的殺人犯,這大概是本書最大的噱頭,我都能想象宣發們在實體書腰封上大灑特灑的狗血推介——如果有腰封的話(但願沒有,我讀的電子版)。 這本書……怎麼說呢…… 四不像。 十四個短篇,刻畫人物,談不上;展現人性,沒那麼深刻;設計情節,基本沒有;揭露監獄風...
評分 評分“他罪孽深重,但他的書有人讀過。” 柯蒂斯·道金斯唯一不能寫的題材是他自己的故事,因為美國法律規定:罪犯不能從自己的罪行中獲利。 當年他嗑藥酗酒後頭腦發昏,裝扮成妖怪,帶著槍走上瞭密歇根州卡拉馬祖市的街頭。等到特警隊抓住他時,他已經因服用瞭過量的伏特加和可卡...
評分01 前陣子發現,我與同事在同一個時間段買瞭同樣的一本書。書名很平常,或許從外麵看也看不齣個所以然。同事說,它是因為封麵的設計而買瞭它。而我呢,其實是在微博上看到這本書的介紹。其中一個點就是這本書的作者正在服刑中,這本書是他的監獄文學的處女作。不知道為什麼,直...
評分圖書標籤: 短篇小說集 格雷巴旅店 Dawkins ShortStories Curtis
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