Mary Flannery O'Connor (March 25, 1925 – August 3, 1964) was an American novelist, short-story writer and essayist. She is widely considered to be America's greatest short-story writer and one of the best of the English language.
The Violent Bear It Away 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在生活中,我是一个到处传播正能量的小太阳,但在阅读中,我最爱的是比现实还阴暗还绝望的小说,这大概是一种互补。所以读奥康纳的《暴力夺取》这部小说,我并没有太多的不适,除了太多的宗教隐喻。 这部小说讲述了一个简单的故事,一个父母双亡的男孩塔沃特,被笃信基督教的舅...
评分电影《血色将至》有一幕,达诺扮演的迂腐而不怀好意的牧师强迫戴-刘易斯扮演的恶魔大亨洗礼,尽管喊出看似神圣的词,并用圣水洗礼,但过程却是场羞辱,更像是恶魔给恶魔洗礼。我感到莫名的震撼。 读《暴力夺取》时,也不时想起这一幕。《暴力夺取》为美国南方作家弗兰纳里·奥...
评分文/夏丽柠 忽见题目,哑然失笑。读的是谁的奥康纳?当然是奥康纳自己的奥康纳了!此言说来绕嘴,但语意明确,奥康纳只属于她自己,还能属于谁?对于英语读者来说,读的一定是原汁原味的奥康纳。但是对于异域读者,却只能读译作。译者便是读者与作家之间的桥梁。那么,搭什么样...
评分舅姥爷死了才半天,弗朗西斯•马里恩•塔沃特这个男孩就因为喝得烂醉,没法挖完墓穴了。一个叫布福德•曼森的黑小子正好来这里用罐子取水,他只得挖好墓穴,把依然保持坐姿的尸体从早餐桌旁拖过来,按照体面的基督教形式给葬了 Francis Marion Tarwater's uncle had been...
评分翻开此书,一种压抑扑面而来。一开头便是死亡,然后充满了基督原教旨主义,夹杂着大量的心理内容。让人晦暗。 其实故事似乎相当简单,一个原教旨的老人,总想着洗礼和拯救。“舅舅”失败了,又找了下一个。故事已那个小男孩视角。前半部份似乎在逃离舅公的影响。但当他回到舅舅...
"I am sure her books will live on and on in American Literature" --Elizabeth Bishop
"There is very little contemporary fiction which touches the level of Flannery O'Connor at her best." --Alan Pryce-Jones
It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
评分It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
评分It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
评分It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
评分It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
The Violent Bear It Away 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书