Mary Flannery O'Connor (March 25, 1925 – August 3, 1964) was an American novelist, short-story writer and essayist. She is widely considered to be America's greatest short-story writer and one of the best of the English language.
"I am sure her books will live on and on in American Literature" --Elizabeth Bishop
"There is very little contemporary fiction which touches the level of Flannery O'Connor at her best." --Alan Pryce-Jones
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奧康納精準冷靜有力的語言像黑色閃電,除瞭一次次被擊中之外,還有彆的可逃之處嗎? 讀完《暴力奪取》是早上5點鍾。前一個晚上讀的時候,我躺在被窩裏,渾身打冷戰,像發瘧子一樣。所以隻好把書扔在一邊,勉強入睡。早晨4點鍾,不是尿憋的,也是口渴的,也不是噩夢鬧的,突然...
評分翻開此書,一種壓抑撲麵而來。一開頭便是死亡,然後充滿瞭基督原教旨主義,夾雜著大量的心理內容。讓人晦暗。 其實故事似乎相當簡單,一個原教旨的老人,總想著洗禮和拯救。“舅舅”失敗瞭,又找瞭下一個。故事已那個小男孩視角。前半部份似乎在逃離舅公的影響。但當他迴到舅舅...
評分 評分也曾做過靠寫作養活自己的夢,用一門有點玄乎的手藝養活自己,簡直和殺手一樣酷。但終究未能如願,隻怪自己不能安貧樂道。在文藝圈堅持下來的兄弟,郵寄瞭一本他自己翻譯的《暴力奪取》給我,扉頁上寫瞭一句“聽哥的,不要搞文藝”。讀起來怪怪的,仿佛一個人的遺言。按照...
評分精神上的暴力和專製對一個人具有更強的摧毀力。 內容當中涉及很多基督教教義以及儀式,因此理解起來會有一定的睏難。但是不難看齣他們對於宗教的篤定和忠貞不渝。在沒有信仰的外人看來,這種行為近乎極端的狂熱分子,似乎是走火入魔般陷入不可迴轉的絕境,老人的堅...
It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
評分It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
評分It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
評分It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
評分It seems to be typical to O'Connor that the story escalates to a blinding brilliance of an ending.
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