Originally published in 1945, Prater Violet is a stingingly satirical novel about the film industry. It centers around the production of the vacuous fictional melodrama Prater Violet, set in nineteenth-century Vienna, providing ironic counterpoint to tragic events as Hitler annexes the real Vienna of the 1930s. The novel features the vivid portraits of imperious, passionate, and witty Austrian director Friedrich Bergmann and his disciple, a genial young screenwriter -- the fictionalized Christopher Isherwood.
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圖書標籤: 英文原版
"It was that hour of the night at which man's ego almost sleeps. The sense of identity, of possession, of name and address and telephone number, grows very faint. It was the hour at which man shivers, pulls up his coat collar and things:'Iam a traveller.I have no home.'"
評分"It was that hour of the night at which man's ego almost sleeps. The sense of identity, of possession, of name and address and telephone number, grows very faint. It was the hour at which man shivers, pulls up his coat collar and things:'Iam a traveller.I have no home.'"
評分"It was that hour of the night at which man's ego almost sleeps. The sense of identity, of possession, of name and address and telephone number, grows very faint. It was the hour at which man shivers, pulls up his coat collar and things:'Iam a traveller.I have no home.'"
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