I'm a professor of robotic vision at Queensland University of Technology, and interested in how robots can use the sense of vision to understand their world and be truly useful. Current projects include vision-based indoor navigation, quadcopter control using high-speed vision, and robotics for agriculture and for healthcare. Before that I worked in applied research developing robots for mining and environmental monitoring.
Robotic vision, the combination of robotics and computer vision, involves the application of computer algorithms to data acquired from sensors. The research community has developed a large body of such algorithms but for a newcomer to the field this can be quite daunting. For over 20 years the author has maintained two open-source MATLAB® Toolboxes, one for robotics and one for vision. They provide implementations of many important algorithms and allow users to work with real problems, not just trivial examples. This book makes the fundamental algorithms of robotics, vision and control accessible to all. It weaves together theory, algorithms and examples in a narrative that covers robotics and computer vision separately and together. Using the latest versions of the Toolboxes the author shows how complex problems can be decomposed and solved using just a few simple lines of code. The topics covered are guided by real problems observed by the author over many years as a practitioner of both robotics and computer vision. It is written in an accessible but informative style, easy to read and absorb, and includes over 1000 MATLAB and Simulink® examples and over 400 figures. The book is a real walk through the fundamentals of mobile robots, arm robots. then camera models, image processing, feature extraction and multi-view geometry and finally bringing it all together with an extensive discussion of visual servo systems. This second edition is completely revised, updated and extended with coverage of Lie groups, matrix exponentials and twists; inertial navigation; differential drive robots; lattice planners; pose-graph SLAM and map making; restructured material on arm-robot kinematics and dynamics; series-elastic actuators and operational-space control; Lab color spaces; light field cameras; structured light, bundle adjustment and visual odometry; and photometric visual servoing.
“An authoritative book, reaching across fields, thoughtfully conceived and brilliantly accomplished!”
Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms In MATLAB, Second Edition (Springer Tracts in A 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
這本書寫得很好,不管是排版,還是內容,英語寫得也很流暢。當然他本身就是一個母語者。 在看瞭FutureLearn上麵看瞭這個教授的相關課程之後,也在找來瞭這本書看來之後,我吃飽瞭撐的覺得應該找這個教授聯係一下,問他要一個授權以便可以把另外一個網站上的視頻內容發布到B站上...
評分33頁四元數時, >>q = Quaternion( rpy2tr ( 0.1,0.2,0.3 ) ) 齣錯! >> q = Quaternion( rpy2tr ( 0.1,0.2,0.3 ) ) Error using Quaternion (line 122) bad argument to quaternion constructor !!! 我直接輸入四個數是沒問題的! >> q = Quaternion([1,...
評分這本書寫得很好,不管是排版,還是內容,英語寫得也很流暢。當然他本身就是一個母語者。 在看瞭FutureLearn上麵看瞭這個教授的相關課程之後,也在找來瞭這本書看來之後,我吃飽瞭撐的覺得應該找這個教授聯係一下,問他要一個授權以便可以把另外一個網站上的視頻內容發布到B站上...
評分33頁四元數時, >>q = Quaternion( rpy2tr ( 0.1,0.2,0.3 ) ) 齣錯! >> q = Quaternion( rpy2tr ( 0.1,0.2,0.3 ) ) Error using Quaternion (line 122) bad argument to quaternion constructor !!! 我直接輸入四個數是沒問題的! >> q = Quaternion([1,...
評分這本書寫得很好,不管是排版,還是內容,英語寫得也很流暢。當然他本身就是一個母語者。 在看瞭FutureLearn上麵看瞭這個教授的相關課程之後,也在找來瞭這本書看來之後,我吃飽瞭撐的覺得應該找這個教授聯係一下,問他要一個授權以便可以把另外一個網站上的視頻內容發布到B站上...
圖書標籤: 機器人 英語 機器人學 數學 教材-工具書 Robotics
Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms In MATLAB, Second Edition (Springer Tracts in A 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載