The Unknown Quantity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
流畅(新浪微博:@郑流畅),原名郑富豪,92年生于汕头,高中毕业,除了《未知量》,还译有埃内斯汀·施兰特的《布洛赫传》、马拉帕尔泰的《皮》等。 新浪读书:你是什么时候开始做文学翻译的,最初出于兴趣还是职业需要? 流畅:我在2011年第二次高考失败,离开学校之后也不知道...
评分《未知量》在去年年底交稿, 今年4月份上海三联出版社寄来校样, 9月底才完成封面设计, 11月8日拿到两本样书, 已经印好,等待发行, 现在赶上年底,尚未上市。 《布洛赫传》的译稿比《未知量》先完成, 原计划于2014年由蜜蜂图书推出, 但终归没钱出。
评分《未知量》在去年年底交稿, 今年4月份上海三联出版社寄来校样, 9月底才完成封面设计, 11月8日拿到两本样书, 已经印好,等待发行, 现在赶上年底,尚未上市。 《布洛赫传》的译稿比《未知量》先完成, 原计划于2014年由蜜蜂图书推出, 但终归没钱出。
评分 评分今天的主角是赫尔曼·布洛赫,一位活跃于二十世纪上半叶的匈牙利作家(1886-1951),代表作包括《梦游者》《维吉尔之死》《未知量》等。布洛赫的经历非常耐人寻味,年轻时他热爱数学和哲学,却迫于家庭压力选修了纺织技术,不仅成为一名纺织工程师,还继承了家族纺织工厂。直到...
图书标签: 英文原版 奥地利
Born in Germany in the early twentieth century, mild and sensitive Richard Hieck endured a quietly difficult childhood. Raised in humble circumstances, Richard was profoundly influenced by his withdrawn mother and by his father -- an enigma whose devotion centered not on his five children but on his mysterious career. From his father, Richard inherited an interest in the night sky, learning to love the constellations and to take comfort in the strength of Orion and the warm radiance of Venus. At the same time, his shadowy, elusive father influenced Richard to pursue studies in mathematics, a field offering the discipline Richard had craved as a child.In The Unknown Quantity, Hermann Broch examines the underlying chaos -- and, finally, the impossibility -- of life within a society whose values are in decay. As Richard seeks to reconcile the conflicting demands of love and science, of passion and reason, he and those in his orbit must endure the effects of societal and family values -- even as the values descend into madness.
The Unknown Quantity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书