In this sequel to Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks, high school sopomore Loyola Chin meets the mysterious Saint Danger in one of her many food induced dreams. The two strike up a friendship which leads to something entirely beyond Loyola's imagination.
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Gene Luen Yang是一個American Born Chinese,GR上對他的介紹是“Gene Yang began drawing comic books in the fifth grade. In 1997, he received the Xeric Grant, a prestigious comics industry grant, for Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks, his first comics w...
評分Gene Luen Yang是一個American Born Chinese,GR上對他的介紹是“Gene Yang began drawing comic books in the fifth grade. In 1997, he received the Xeric Grant, a prestigious comics industry grant, for Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks, his first comics w...
評分Ok. This book was a nice little deep thought in a simple package -- Loyola meets Saint Danger in her dreams, he likes robot eyes and plugging tvs into noses and looks like Dr. Manhattan - he tells her that the human race will be destroyed primarily because ...
評分Gene Luen Yang是一個American Born Chinese,GR上對他的介紹是“Gene Yang began drawing comic books in the fifth grade. In 1997, he received the Xeric Grant, a prestigious comics industry grant, for Gordon Yamamoto and the King of the Geeks, his first comics w...
評分Ok. This book was a nice little deep thought in a simple package -- Loyola meets Saint Danger in her dreams, he likes robot eyes and plugging tvs into noses and looks like Dr. Manhattan - he tells her that the human race will be destroyed primarily because ...
圖書標籤: 漫畫 2013
很短小的短篇,一百頁而已,不過故事很有趣,主角吃不同的食物就能産生不同的夢境,在其中一個夢境裏麵遇到瞭前任san,現任狂熱偏執拯救世界(毀滅世界?)怪人peligran order,oh oh oh~~~~~
評分很短小的短篇,一百頁而已,不過故事很有趣,主角吃不同的食物就能産生不同的夢境,在其中一個夢境裏麵遇到瞭前任san,現任狂熱偏執拯救世界(毀滅世界?)怪人peligran order,oh oh oh~~~~~
評分很短小的短篇,一百頁而已,不過故事很有趣,主角吃不同的食物就能産生不同的夢境,在其中一個夢境裏麵遇到瞭前任san,現任狂熱偏執拯救世界(毀滅世界?)怪人peligran order,oh oh oh~~~~~
評分很短小的短篇,一百頁而已,不過故事很有趣,主角吃不同的食物就能産生不同的夢境,在其中一個夢境裏麵遇到瞭前任san,現任狂熱偏執拯救世界(毀滅世界?)怪人peligran order,oh oh oh~~~~~
評分很短小的短篇,一百頁而已,不過故事很有趣,主角吃不同的食物就能産生不同的夢境,在其中一個夢境裏麵遇到瞭前任san,現任狂熱偏執拯救世界(毀滅世界?)怪人peligran order,oh oh oh~~~~~
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