伊莎貝爾·阿連德(Isabel Allende,1942-),她齣身智利的名門世傢,薩爾瓦多·阿連德總統是她的伯父。她在一個奇妙的大傢庭長大,外祖母為她打開瞭探索神秘世界的心靈之門。 1973年,智利發生流血政變事件,她踏上流亡之路。 1981年,99歲的外祖父決定絕食自殺,她寫給他一封長信,這就是《幽靈之傢》。 1992年,29歲的愛女因病去世。她用文字讓自己變得更堅強。
(Book Jacket Status: Not Jacketed)
Chilean writer Isabel Allende’s classic novel is both a richly symbolic family saga and the riveting story of an unnamed Latin American country’s turbulent history.
In a triumph of magic realism, Allende constructs a spirit-ridden world and fills it with colorful and all-too-human inhabitants. The Trueba family’s passions, struggles, and secrets span three generations and a century of violent social change, culminating in a crisis that brings the proud and tyrannical patriarch and his beloved granddaughter to opposite sides of the barricades. Against a backdrop of revolution and counterrevolution, Allende brings to life a family whose private bonds of love and hatred are more complex and enduring than the political allegiances that set them at odds. The House of the Spirits not only brings another nation’s history thrillingly to life, but also makes its people’s joys and anguishes wholly our own.
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伊莎貝爾·阿連德的小說《幽靈之傢》,封麵設計得很幽靈。全黑的底子,書名竪排在最頂端,白字,長度大約四厘米;圍繞著這四個竪排的白字,是暗紅的作者名、原文書名作者名和齣版商的名號,閃動著變幻莫測的亮,——當然這取決於你捧起這本書時周圍的光綫情況。 我讀這本小說...
評分高大威嚴,頑固裏帶幾分童真,骨子裏是格外性感的粗暴,做起事來火燒火燎。我懷疑我熱愛著這樣的男人,愛情像仇恨一樣濃烈,沒有節製,但最重要的,懂得迂迴的退讓。 埃斯特萬•特魯埃瓦。 有段時間我有點熱衷於泡酒吧,我被那種昏暗的燈光所蠱惑,旁邊的人很誇張的喊著各...
評分圖書標籤: 拉丁美洲文學
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