James Whittaker 是Google的工程總監 ,負責部分Google産品的測試,包括Chrome、地圖、Google web apps。在加盟Google之前,James在Microsoft工作,再之前是一名大學教授。James在全球測試領域聞名遐邇。
Jason Arbon 是Google的一名測試工程師TE ,曾參與負責Google桌麵、Chrome和Chrome OS的測試。同時Jason也是一係列開源測試工具和個性化實驗的開發負責人。在加入Google之前,他也曾在Microsoft工作過。
Jeff Carollo 是Google的一名測試開發工程師SET,曾參與負責Google Voice、工具框、Chrome、Chrome OS産品 的測試。Jeff為許多Google內部的開發團隊提供谘詢服務,幫助提升這些團隊初期的代碼質量。之後在2010年,Jeff轉崗為軟件開發工程師(SE),並領導負責Google+ APIs的開發。在加入Google之前,Jeff也曾經在Microsoft工作過。
Google軟件測試之道 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
根據《Google 軟件測試之道》這本書,我已經寫瞭四篇導讀: [Google 軟件測試之道] [Google 軟件測試之角色職責 ] [Google 軟件測試的未來] [Google 流程中的緻命缺陷] 今天想繼續談一下書中提到的 Google 軟件測試過程中使用的一些「神器」。 大傢都知道,一個好的工具或係統...
評分一 《Google 軟件測試之道》是 2013 年齣版的,書中記錄的也都是截止當時的 Google 軟件測試的現狀,如果和國內目前的情況相比較的話,Google 不僅僅是走在瞭前列,而且是遠遠看不到邊的前列。 我在上篇文章中有提到 Google 當時對於測試團隊的定位,已經是上升到「工程生産力...
評分本書顛覆瞭我對測試之前的瞭解 本書有兩點核心。 一是角色(SWE,SET,TE,最終是開發測試極度融閤,相互輔助前行) 二是ACC理念。(A,C)坐標定義的區域,有兩個輸齣,一個是C(能力,就是test plan),一個是風險熱圖(risk heat map)。測試的齣發和落腳點是A(attribute),也...
評分圖書標籤: 軟件測試 IT 管理
If you ask a developer what he is doing about quality,"testing"is often the answer. But testing is not about quality. Quality has to be built in,not bolted on,and such on,quality is a developer task. It is not someone's problem,but organization's problem.
評分If you ask a developer what he is doing about quality,"testing"is often the answer. But testing is not about quality. Quality has to be built in,not bolted on,and such on,quality is a developer task. It is not someone's problem,but organization's problem.
評分If you ask a developer what he is doing about quality,"testing"is often the answer. But testing is not about quality. Quality has to be built in,not bolted on,and such on,quality is a developer task. It is not someone's problem,but organization's problem.
評分If you ask a developer what he is doing about quality,"testing"is often the answer. But testing is not about quality. Quality has to be built in,not bolted on,and such on,quality is a developer task. It is not someone's problem,but organization's problem.
評分If you ask a developer what he is doing about quality,"testing"is often the answer. But testing is not about quality. Quality has to be built in,not bolted on,and such on,quality is a developer task. It is not someone's problem,but organization's problem.
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