他出生于奥匈帝国的贵族家庭,然而一生困顿颠沛,流亡四十一年,客死异乡。他是二十世纪匈牙利文坛巨匠,一生笔耕不辍,著有五十六部作品,死后被追赠匈牙利文学最高荣誉“科舒特奖”。他亦是二十世纪历史的记录者、省思者和孤独的斗士。他的一生追求自由、公义,坚 持独立、高尚的精神人格。
Embers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
转载至公众号 - 刻痕 茫茫一生中,每个人都会经历刻骨的事儿,产生某些想法。这些想法是铁钩,深深钩进血脉和心脏,产生巨大的疼痛。这疼痛醍醐灌顶,响彻天际,通透了然。那样的瞬间,你便亲手埋下宿命的种子。 岁月灌溉着它,铁钩发了芽,长出了肉身的模様,肉身就开了花,...
评分这本书非常好看。 两个孤独、衰老的男人,在暴风雨来临前的夜晚,坐在一栋两百年前修建的豪华庄园里,在过去辉煌荣耀与今日冷落凋敝的注视下,在忽明忽暗的烛光下,探究一个事实,一个真相。 极富戏剧感的形式,直达内心的语言,高超的小说技巧,悬疑剧一般的层层剥离,全都...
评分 评分马洛伊•山多尔的《烛烬》只有寥寥十一万字,作为长篇来看实在短小得可怜,但我觉得要是作一个书摘的话,至少有一半的篇幅值得仔细和反复阅读。 我在犹豫要不要详细地介绍这部小说,不好说,也怕词不达意,就简单说一点。因为简单,也就不值得发公众号了。 故事很简单,平铺...
图书标签: 文学 小说
Charming. Marai's writing has again reminded me of the grace of the vanquished, mocking the rise and fall of the victorious. The English translation which is from a German translation (instead of the original Hungarian) is brilliant too.
评分Charming. Marai's writing has again reminded me of the grace of the vanquished, mocking the rise and fall of the victorious. The English translation which is from a German translation (instead of the original Hungarian) is brilliant too.
评分Charming. Marai's writing has again reminded me of the grace of the vanquished, mocking the rise and fall of the victorious. The English translation which is from a German translation (instead of the original Hungarian) is brilliant too.
评分Charming. Marai's writing has again reminded me of the grace of the vanquished, mocking the rise and fall of the victorious. The English translation which is from a German translation (instead of the original Hungarian) is brilliant too.
评分Charming. Marai's writing has again reminded me of the grace of the vanquished, mocking the rise and fall of the victorious. The English translation which is from a German translation (instead of the original Hungarian) is brilliant too.
Embers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书