菲利普·罗斯,善于以长篇小说编织人性史诗(《美国牧歌》、《人性的污点》、《垂死的肉身》等)的美国当代文学,泰斗菲利普·罗斯(Philip Roth)在1991年意外地出版了一部纪实作品——《遗产:一个真实的故事》。视线凝聚的焦点,不再是广阔的社会、宏大的命题,而是罗斯刚刚去世的父亲,一个平凡、卑微的犹太老头。临终前的日子,他的一生像一条浸透了琐碎往事的河,在他和他的作家儿子眼前,半明半灭地流过。父与子之间的关系,从来没有像现在这样既亲密又陌生,既血肉相连又渐行渐远,当亲人的生命进入倒计时,所有的思索与拷问,所有的惶恐与悲伤,都逼得人透不过气来——哪怕这个人,是以冷峻著称的菲利普·罗斯。作家罗斯和儿子罗斯在《遗产》的字里行间不停地互换,激情与理性时而鏖战、时而讲和,努力还原生活的真相。生活的真相,足以让任何文字都相形见绌,也足以征服全美国最苛刻的书评人。1992年,《遗产》问鼎“全美书评人大奖”,成为非虚构类作品的当代经典。
Patrimony 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分很细致很耐心地读完了《遗产:一个真实的故事》,被罗斯朴实而真情的文字所打动,那很久远的往事,渐渐泛上心头,点点涟漪,诉说岁月如歌。 一本好书,一个好作家,一个好儿子,还有父亲留给他的“晚年”,原来琐碎的文字也这般美好。读着读着就想到了自己的父亲,想...
图书标签: PhilipRoth 美国 美国文学 菲利普·罗斯 英文原版 亲情 衰老 英文原著
Patrimony , a true story, touches the emotions as strongly as anything Philip Roth has ever written. Roth watches as his eighty-six-year-old father—famous for his vigor, charm, and his repertoire of Newark recollections—battles with the brain tumor that will kill him. The son, full of love, anxiety, and dread, accompanies his father through each fearful stage of his final ordeal, and, as he does so, discloses the survivalist tenacity that has distinguished his father's long, stubborn engagement with life.
"He wasn't just any father, he was the father, with everything there is to hate in a father and everything there is to love."
评分I feel so touched. In this book, I see a slightly different persona of Philip Roth. He once struck me as the fearless ironist who seems able to make fun of anything. But here I see a vulnerable, sentimental Roth. Perhaps, in his father, he sees himself, his own destiny and the inevitable ending for all of us- death.
评分My favorite is Patrimony, which is his book about his father dying. It's incredible, the way he's able to evoke humor from the his father dwindling away. The Plot Against America is so great too — I love history, and he's able to make political statements without jamming it down your throat.
评分終於找了個晚上把這本給看了,絕對沒想到這是本這麼摧淚的書TAT 之前苗兒和Juli說書感動死的時候我還在納悶---真這麼感人麼?Roth根本沒有想要故意摧淚甚麼的,就是這麼平實地記錄着和他爸爸最後的點滴,也順帶講了他父親的一生。一句話拿出來看是再平常不過但放在某段裡面卻不禁落淚,沒想到過下面這句話就會直接戳中淚點,那段電話里直播球賽的幾乎是一邊哭一邊笑地讀完的。讀着這本的同時還會不禁聯想到外公外婆,I must not forget anything. 看到後來都會忘掉其實這是因為Jesse而去看的書,想必他讀的時候應該比我們感慨深多了,畢竟同樣是猶太移民,另外他很少很少提到他父親,而這本卻幾乎全部在講述父輿子。
评分My favorite is Patrimony, which is his book about his father dying. It's incredible, the way he's able to evoke humor from the his father dwindling away. The Plot Against America is so great too — I love history, and he's able to make political statements without jamming it down your throat.
Patrimony 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书