譯者 林瀅,當代著名翻譯傢、作傢及書法傢。文筆流暢,著譯頗豐,深受廣大讀者喜愛。20世紀60年代在颱灣《聯閤報》兒童版連載八年的《林叔叔講故事》曾經傢喻戶曉。《萬物既偉大又渺小》(颱版名為《大地之歌》)是其代錶譯作。
"Absolutely super, a rarity, magnificently written, insightful, unforgettable. . . . If you have ever loved a friend, human or otherwise, this is the book for you."
-- Houston Chronicle
The classic multimillion copy bestseller
Delve into the magical, unforgettable world of James Herriot, the world's most beloved veterinarian, and his menagerie of heartwarming, funny, and tragic animal patients.
For over thirty years, generations of readers have thrilled to Herriot's marvelous tales, deep love of life, and extraordinary storytelling abilities. For decades, Herriot roamed the remote, beautiful Yorkshire Dales, treating every patient that came his way from smallest to largest, and observing animals and humans alike with his keen, loving eye.
In All Creatures Great and Small , we meet the young Herriot as he takes up his calling and discovers that the realities of veterinary practice in rural Yorkshire are very different from the sterile setting of veterinary school. From caring for his patients in the depths of winter on the remotest homesteads to dealing with uncooperative owners and critically ill animals, Herriot discovers the wondrous variety and never-ending challenges of veterinary practice as his humor, compassion, and love of the animal world shine forth.
"[Herriot] is the most entertaining, most thoroughly likeable, most engaging person to have come along in a long time, and the stories he has to tell are fascinating."
-- The Washington Post
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粵若稽古能馭動物者,始自軒轅,他驅熊羆與神農氏戰於阪泉之野,待擒蚩尤、封眾山、得寶鼎、舉多賢,已而播百草,看似萬事具備,但是直到他淳化鳥獸蟲蛾之後,方說他有土德之瑞,乃可稱黃帝。可見即使在初民眼中,鳥獸之化對於聖人之德,還是不可缺的啊。 英人吉米哈利對於動...
評分《師友雜記 八十憶雙親》,《萬物既偉大又渺小》 一位的作者是上個世紀的國學大師,一位的作者是上個世紀的英國獸醫 一位用淺易文言寫就的一生的迴憶,一位用英語寫當獸醫時的溫暖的故事 錢穆 1895—1990, James Herriot 1916—1995 ...... 好吧,他倆一點關係都沒有,唯一的...
評分我買過很多書、看過很多書。可我第一次見到這麼美的書。 作為一個讀書、愛書之人,挑書的眼力還算過得去。我少有耐心在書店裏站立閱讀完一本書,連一個章節都讀不下去,非得買迴傢挑個舒舒服服的姿態纔能讀。如果買錯一本書,又送不齣去,又不能當垃圾扔掉,是很令人不快...
評分淺色封皮,厚厚書脊,間或插幾頁動物的素描,這是一本毋庸翻閱即能戀上的書,它也是我最近讀到最惹人喜愛的一本書。 寵物惹人喜愛,因為它們乖巧,心思純潔,書惹人喜愛,確是個很難達到的標準。吉米·哈利是英國約剋郡鄉間的一名獸醫,而這本書就是他講述自己做獸醫時的種種...
圖書標籤: 隨筆 英國文學 英國文學 生活方式
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