Steven K. Vogel is Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. He specializes in the political economy of the advanced industrialized nations, especially Japan. He is the author of Japan Remodeled: How Government and Industry Are Reforming Japanese Capitalism (Cornell, 2006) and co-editor (with Naazneen Barma) of The Political Economy Reader: Markets as Institutions (Routledge, 2007). His earlier book, Freer Markets, More Rules: Regulatory Reform in Advanced Industrial Countries (Cornell University Press, 1996), won the 1998 Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize. He has also edited a volume entitled U.S.-Japan Relations in a Changing World (Brookings Institution Press, 2002). He has written extensively on comparative political economy and Japanese politics, industrial policy, trade and defense policy. He has worked as a reporter for the Japan Times in Tokyo and as a freelance journalist in France. He has taught previously at the University of California, Irvine and Harvard University. He has a B.A. from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley.
Over the past fifteen years, the United States, Western Europe, and Japan have transformed the relationship between governments and corporations. The changes are complex and the terms used to describe them often obscure the reality. In Freer Markets, More Rules, Steven K. Vogel dispenses with euphemisms and makes sense of this recent transformation. In defiance of conventional wisdom, Vogel contends that the deregulation revolution of the 1980s and 1990s never happened. The advanced industrial countries moved toward liberalization or freer markets at the same time that they imposed reregulation or more rules. Moreover, the countries involved did not converge in regulatory practice but combined liberalization and reregulation in markedly different ways. The state itself, far more than private interest groups, drove the process of regulatory reform. Thus, the story of deregulation is one rich in paradox: a movement aimed at reducing regulation increased it; a movement propelled by global forces reinforced national differences; and a movement that purported to reduce state power was led by the state itself. Vogel's astute and far-reaching analysis compares deregulation in Britain and Japan, with special attention to the telecommunication and financial services industries. He also considers such important sectors as broadcasting, transportation, and utilities in the United States, France, and Germany.
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圖書標籤: 比較政治經濟學 比較政治 日本政治 政治學 公共政策 日本 政治經濟學 OperationUranus
在日本政治的研究裏,做預測,往往不僅是危險的,而且還是愚蠢的。如同Paul Pierson所說的那樣,某些製度的變遷如同地震一樣,雖然突然發生,但是在先前已經有瞭許多年的微妙變化。這一點完全適用於日本,這個在錶麵上異常穩定的國傢。在此書的末尾,作者還寫到,改革強化而不是削弱瞭日本中央省廳對於經濟運營的掌控力,通産省成功地控製瞭NTT的民營化改革,大藏省有力地強化瞭而不是削弱瞭自己對於金融自由化的進程。也許真是如此。但是此書齣版後的3年間,此書所齣現的那些權勢顯赫的中央省廳,一個也都不見瞭。這對於所謂行政部門有力地掌控並且塑造瞭經濟變革的推論,真是莫大的諷刺。的確,在此書限定的範圍內,自民黨顯得無所事事,一言不發。然而,這不代錶他們愚蠢,無知且任由技術官僚們的擺布。此書的文筆也有些糟糕
評分翻閱。發達工業國傢1970-90年代管製改革研究。類似Evans, Embedded Autonomy. 去管製、急切私有化/市場化和全球市場衝擊國傢體製的假說與事實檢視。具體發生的是“再管製化”。國傢既維持一定自主性、又整閤各利益團體和工業領域利益。國傢受製於先前的製度路徑規範,但在新曆史情勢下又産生受強烈的改革意識和構思推動的政客團體。再管製的改革重組原有的規管體製成分,各國依據在70-80年代麵臨的經濟情境分彆采用不同的改革路徑。英日對比。
評分翻閱。發達工業國傢1970-90年代管製改革研究。類似Evans, Embedded Autonomy. 去管製、急切私有化/市場化和全球市場衝擊國傢體製的假說與事實檢視。具體發生的是“再管製化”。國傢既維持一定自主性、又整閤各利益團體和工業領域利益。國傢受製於先前的製度路徑規範,但在新曆史情勢下又産生受強烈的改革意識和構思推動的政客團體。再管製的改革重組原有的規管體製成分,各國依據在70-80年代麵臨的經濟情境分彆采用不同的改革路徑。英日對比。
評分翻閱。發達工業國傢1970-90年代管製改革研究。類似Evans, Embedded Autonomy. 去管製、急切私有化/市場化和全球市場衝擊國傢體製的假說與事實檢視。具體發生的是“再管製化”。國傢既維持一定自主性、又整閤各利益團體和工業領域利益。國傢受製於先前的製度路徑規範,但在新曆史情勢下又産生受強烈的改革意識和構思推動的政客團體。再管製的改革重組原有的規管體製成分,各國依據在70-80年代麵臨的經濟情境分彆采用不同的改革路徑。英日對比。
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