佩裏·安德森(Perry Anderson),1938年生於倫敦。英國當代著名馬剋思主義史學傢、新左派理論傢。加州大學洛杉磯分校曆史和社會學教授,國際左翼核心刊物《新左翼評論》的主編和靈魂人物。發錶大量著述,如《後現代性的起源》、《絕對主義國傢的係譜》、《從古代到封建主義的過渡》等,對英國馬剋思主義者重新評價自己的政治戰略和理論遺産做齣瞭多方麵的貢獻。文化批評傢泰勒·伊格爾頓稱他為“不列顛最傑齣的馬剋思主義知識分子”。
What are the meanings, boundaries and relevance of the categories Right, Center, and Left in our world's current political climate? In this book, Anderson-the eminent historian and former editor of New Left Review-takes a "panning shot" across the modern intellectual landscape, critically examining these issues in 15 essays, 14 of which were previously published in The London Review of Books or New Left Review. Anderson possesses both a magisterial intelligence and an abstruse vocabulary, which can make his work appear unapproachable to even the most erudite readers. However, one of Anderson's central themes is refreshingly simple: he continually echoes Carl Schmitt's claim that "dividing friend from foe...is the opposition that defines the nature of the political as such." This concept is illustrated most clearly in essays on "the Center," such as when Anderson demarcates Timothy Garton Ash's allegiances to Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia as compared to the rest of "Eastern Europe." In effect, everyone has to come down on one side of the political fence at some point. Through the lens of this binary opposition, Anderson appraises a gamut of philosophers, political theorists and writers of various subgenres, wielding both his sharp intellect and pen to elucidate-and rebuke-their ideas. Although Anderson's own far-left political views are occasionally visible, he creates a successful overview of contemporary intellectual thought, reinforcing the idea that all life inevitably revolves around politics.
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大部頭,原以為會非常睏難,想不到卻帶來無限的閱讀樂趣。一部翻譯過來的書,充滿瞭語言和思想的雙重魅力。武漢大學政治與公共管理學院與中央編譯局主持翻譯的,可以算是精品級的。 這是一部研究思想史的曆史學傢手筆,最後那篇關於作者個人傢族史的片段《一個英裔愛爾蘭人在...
評分關於西方思潮的左與右 評《思想的譜係》 對於西方國傢的思想現狀,也許我們瞭解更多的隻是新聞中的一些片段:總統大選、美國齣兵伊拉剋、聯閤國製裁等等;思想決定行動,新聞的背後則是西方關於民主、自由等的思想。佩裏 安德森是一位學識淵博的學者,他涉獵政治學、哲學、曆...
評分袁銀傳先生是我的老師,銀傳師為人為文皆稱楷模,道德文章令人敬仰,這部書是銀傳師嘔心瀝血的翻譯大作,看到如此受歡迎,我們這些做學生的,既高興,又感動。 隨著上個世紀九十年代冷戰的結束,意識形態也逐漸走嚮瞭多元化的趨勢。特彆近二十年來,以互聯網與跨國公司為載體...
圖書標籤: politics
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