安東尼·斯托爾(Anthony Storr),英國首屈一指的心理學傢、精神病學傢和作傢;牛津大學研究員;英國皇傢內科醫學院、皇傢精神科醫學院和皇傢文學學會的資深會員。
斯托爾的著作有:《榮格》(Jung)、《弗洛伊德》(Freud)、《丘吉爾的黑狗》(Churchill's Black Dog)、《人格的完整性》(The Integrity of the Personality)、《人類的破壞性》(Human Destructiveness)、《創作的原動力》(The Dynamics of Creation)、《音樂與心靈》(Music and Mind)、《精神治療的藝術》(The art of psychotherapy)以及《泥足》(Feet of Clay)。
Originally published in 1988, Anthony Storr's enlightening meditation on the creative individual's need for solitude has become a classic."Solitude" was seminal in challenging the established belief that "interpersonal relationships of an intimate kind are the chief, if not the only, source of human happiness." Indeed, most self-help literature still places relationships at the center of human existence. Lucid and lyrical, Storr's book cites numerous examples of brilliant scholars and artists -- from Beethoven and Kant to Anne Sexton and Beatrix Potter -- to demonstrate that solitude ranks alongside relationships in its impact on an individual's well-being and productivity, as well as on society's progress and health. But solitary activity is essential not only for geniuses, says Storr; the average person, too, is enriched by spending time alone.For fifteen years, readers have found inspiration and renewal in Storr's erudite, compassionate vision of human experience.
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文/栗一白 我們必須保留一處小小的避世之所,它完全屬於自己,絲毫不受打擾。在這裏,可以找到真正的自由,遠離塵囂,迴歸孤獨。 ------濛田 好吧,我以書中所援引的濛田之語來開篇,因為犀利的迷人哲思和溫婉動人的詩性敘述,穿插在深入的心理個案分析裏,也是本書吸引我目光...
評分 評分周國平是我認識的哲學傢裏對孤獨很有見地的一位,讀罷此書讓我更加確定內嚮者孤獨的意義。 正如書中所說,人是社會性的動物,離不開他人的陪伴和情感支持。但周國平認為,親密關係的構建並不是人類幸福快樂的唯一源泉和決定因素,書中列舉瞭很多大人物都擁有孤僻的性格,這樣使...
評分周國平是我認識的哲學傢裏對孤獨很有見地的一位,讀罷此書讓我更加確定內嚮者孤獨的意義。 正如書中所說,人是社會性的動物,離不開他人的陪伴和情感支持。但周國平認為,親密關係的構建並不是人類幸福快樂的唯一源泉和決定因素,書中列舉瞭很多大人物都擁有孤僻的性格,這樣使...
評分孤獨,是必不可少的,於一個人。可能是自己的生活方式,讓我更加總是真正尋求自我的地方。讀完書,自己關注點在於人際關係和個人的愛好與信仰。 認識自己,纔能通往孤獨。 “發現一個人對什麼東西感興趣,就是一點一滴的瞭解他的過程”“每個人都需要興趣,正如每個人都需要人...
圖書標籤: 心理學 英文原版 社會學 獨行俠 個人管理 solitude, loner, W(AnthonyStorr)
評分Solitude is therefore never dreadful again. Very helpful to me, personally.
評分If you want to be intelligent, you're going to need to speed some time alone. I don't think the author anticipated the effect of the Internet.
評分If you want to be intelligent, you're going to need to speed some time alone. I don't think the author anticipated the effect of the Internet.
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