Jonathan Haidt is the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University's Stern School of Business. He received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1992 and then did post-doctoral research at the University of Chicago and in Orissa, India. He taught at the University of Virginia for 16 years, where he conducted the research reported in The Righteous Mind.
Jonathan Haidt skillfully combines two genres-philosophical wisdom and scientific research-delighting the reader with surprising insights. He explains, for example, why we have such difficulty controlling ourselves and sticking to our plans; why no achievement brings lasting happiness, yet a few changes in your life can have profound effects, and why even confirmed atheists experience spiritual elevation. In a stunning final chapter, Haidt addresses the grand question "How can I live a meaningful life?," offering an original answer that draws on the rich inspiration of both philosophy and science.
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人通過心理濾鏡來看這個世界,會齣現某些情緒,會對事件有反應。心理的運作非常龐雜,我們看得到的隻是其中一個小角落。 激情為轡,理性為軛。大象是指我們內心的感覺、本能反應、情緒和直覺,這些是自動化係統的組成要件。騎象人是有意識的、控製後的思考。大部分的心理活動都...
評分01 閱讀《象與騎象人》,讓我重新開始思考一些重要的問題,這些問題或許因為過於“重要”而顯得有些老生常談。 也因為這些問題太龐大,所以我們在平常生活中乾脆就避而不談。 比如人類到底是一種什麼樣的生物,什麼是幸福,人生有沒有意義,我們到底該追求什麼? 總體來說,是...
評分人象分裂的隱喻及其緣起 這是一本有關人們如何通過身心閤一來實現幸福並獲得成長的書。為瞭闡述其觀點,喬納森•海特在開篇就藉助瞭象與騎象人的隱喻。實際上這一手法並不新鮮:柏拉圖就曾把心靈(soul)比喻為馬車,馬車是由“心理”冷靜、理性的那一麵駕馭...
評分不錯的書。 積極心理學,有彆於成功學的口號和忽悠,從人類心理機製的角度闡述如何獲得快樂和人生意義。 讀後比較有啓發,很多地方可以和自己的生活對照。驀然迴首,纔發現走過瞭很多彎路。而這些彎路,已經有無數人重復,並且早已總結齣應對之策。心理學就是這樣一個很好的工...
圖書標籤: 心理學
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