Searching For Memory 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
没有想到人的记忆是如此的复杂,也如此的有趣。看了本书之后,以下从前觉得很奇妙的现象,现在都茅塞顿开了: 1.为什么一个人看着面熟却怎么也想不起名字?(源记忆丢失); 2.为什么每一个人对同一件事情的描述会完全不同?(记忆的本质:主观体验而非事情复制); 3.为什么...
评分 评分作者是哈佛大学心理学教授兼系主任。记忆研究领域内世界闻名的杰出科学家之一。 读这本书除了会获得许多关于记忆、大脑及潜意识及心理方面的许多知识外,更能体会到科学家的严谨、认真的态度和冷静、力求客观的视角,领略作者对人的心理精深的洞察和对人性深沉的理解。在幽默、...
评分关于为什么看这本书: 这本书是看刘未鹏的书单上的介绍我才开始看的,由于各种原因,前前后后看了一年。虽然涉及到海马,颌叶,下丘脑等等比较专业的名词,但是读起来一点也不觉得枯燥,既有严谨的科学态度,也能用比较通俗的方式表达出来。 关于内容: 我个人比较印...
图书标签: 心理学 记忆 思维 心理 psychology Memory 英文原版 Thinking
Over the past two decades scientists have made remarkable breakthroughs in understanding how memories are stored and retrieved, and with this knowledge they are beginning to understand the mysteries of the human mind. How can we perform tasks such as playing the piano or typing in such a way that we do not need to consciously direct each movement every step of the way? Why can we forget where we put our keys and yet remember events that happened long ago? Why is memory imperfect, and sometimes dead wrong? Daniel Schacter has been at the forefront of the research, and Searching for Memory is his firsthand account of what we now know and what it means. With references to art and autobiography and fascinating case studies, a la Oliver Sacks, he explains how one's past experiences influence the formation of new memories, how and why memory changes as people age, and much more. The book also sheds light on such hot topics as false memory syndrome, recovered memory, Alzheimer's disease and brain-damaged patients.
Searching For Memory 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书