Thomas L. Friedman has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize three times for his work with The New York Times, where he serves as the foreign affairs columnist. He is the author of four previous books, all of them bestsellers: From Beirut to Jerusalem (1989), The Lexus and the Olive Tree (1999), Longitudes and Attitudes (2002), and The World Is Flat (2005). He lives in Bethesda, Maryland.
Hot, Flat, and Crowded 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分这本书真正攸关大局的问题有两个:“美国真的可以领导一场绿色革命吗?”、“中国真的会跟进吗?”其他的只是注脚。 ——Thomas L. Friedman,《世界又热、又平、又挤》 领导绿色革命的一定就得是美国?中国就只有跟进的份?或许吧,但为何不能反过来...
评分拖了半年多,才把这本书看完,远远没有《世界是平的》带来那么多的惊艳。 这本书主要内容是讲述了当今全球主要是美国的环境现状、一批有识之士所作的努力以及政府推动此革命的进展。它似乎在呼吁着政府尽快能做出一些重大的改变,说服政府尽快的执行一些具体的有效的措施以及...
评分这本书讲了很多显而易见的事实,也有一些不为人知的秘密,每看一章都会有些思考。 首先想到的是:让世界变得更绿到底得依靠市场还是依靠政府,就是因为世界已经又热又平又挤了,所以不管是市场还是政府都变得短视起来,为了不知道多久的将来的未知而放弃现在在手的利益,无论如...
评分弗里德曼的书以前看过,没有像这本书的感觉,作者处处以美国人的利益为优先考虑,而且对美国的忧患意识强烈。所以,希望作者客观的话,已经不可能。 书中多次提到中国,对中国的担忧就是,如果中国人要都达到美国人的生活方式,生活水平,这个地球很可能就崩溃鸟。 对中国最...
图书标签: ThomasFriedman 全球化 绿色革命 社会 环境 托马斯·弗里德曼 全球变暖 bestseller
Thomas L. Friedman’s no. 1 bestseller The World Is Flat has helped millions of readers to see globalization in a new way. Now Friedman brings a fresh outlook to the crises of destabilizing climate change and rising competition for energy—both of which could poison our world if we do not act quickly and collectively. His argument speaks to all of us who are concerned about the state of America in the global future. Friedman proposes that an ambitious national strategy— which he calls “Geo-Greenism”—is not only what we need to save the planet from overheating; it is what we need to make America healthier, richer, more innovative, more productive, and more secure. As in The World Is Flat , he explains a new era—the Energy-Climate era—through an illuminating account of recent events. He shows how 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the flattening of the world by the Internet (which brought 3 billion new consumers onto the world stage) have combined to bring climate and energy issues to Main Street. But they have not gone very far down Main Street; the much-touted “green revolution” has hardly begun. With all that in mind, Friedman sets out the clean-technology breakthroughs we, and the world, will need; he shows that the ET (Energy Technology) revolution will be both transformative and disruptive; and he explains why America must lead this revolution—with the first Green President and a Green New Deal, spurred by the Greenest Generation. Hot, Flat, and Crowded is classic Thomas L. Friedman—fearless, incisive, forward-looking, and rich in surprising common sense about the world we live in today.
作者中肯得让你都担心。美国想要怎样的美国,想要怎样的中国,green China or a banana pubilc?好邪恶的笑笑,贝克汉姆用这个牌子哦。。
评分喜欢Tom Friedman的人依旧会喜欢这本书,两次阅读都只选了书中部分章节,没有全部读完。
评分Watched talk at Stanford. 怎样打破传统能源利益,推动有利清洁能源的政策来带动行业的发展,目前美国两党这样撕裂的情况下几乎是不可能的。但是一场肺炎,却成就了短期的基本入息保障,要不是生死攸关,也无法想象(不赞成印钞保连任,把债务甩給后代,而应让企业和富人来承担这种责任)。看来只有置诸死地才能后生。
Hot, Flat, and Crowded 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书