From Wikipedia:
Professor Chris Frith FRS, FBA (born March 16, 1942, United Kingdom - ) is an Emeritus Professor at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at University College London and a Niels Bohr Visiting Professor at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. His primary interest is in the applications of functional brain imaging to the study of higher cognitive functions in humans, although he is also well known for his earlier seminal work characterising the cognitive basis of schizophrenia.
With over 400 publications, Frith is one of the ISI Highly Cited authors in Neuroscience. His H-index is 117. He is author of a number of important neuroscience books, including the classic The Cognitive Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia (1992) and the popular science book Making up the Mind (2007) which achieved the long list for the Royal Society Science Book Award in 2008. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, the British Academy and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 2009 ha was awarded the Fyssen Foundation Prize for his work on neuropsychology [1] and he and Uta Frith were awarded the European Latsis Prize for their work linking the human mind and the human brain] [2].
Chris is the brother of Fred Frith, the guitarist, and Simon Frith, the musicologist. He is also the husband of Uta Frith, a leading developmental psychologist.
Since 2005, Chris has been on the editorial board of Biology Letters, dealing with papers in the category, Neurobiology.
Making Up the Mind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
07年的书,Eric Kandel的《追寻的记忆》都出来了,这本还不出来。Eric Kandel的《追寻的记忆》在Amazon上N多人好评,这本书...只有五个人打分(不过全是五星)。书的推荐序里面就有Eric Kandel写的推荐。 总的来说: 作者很牛逼(自己到wikipedia上查);讲解很通俗;内容很有...
评分大神Chirs Firth的这本Making up the mind, 心智的构建——脑如何创造我们的精神世界如果用为一句话来概括的话,大约可以表达为:生物统一性vs文化多样性(可惜Firth没有明显的提出来,而我又早在迪昂那里看到了),虽然douban上的评介很高,不过个人以为这本书的优点和缺点同...
评分我怎么现在才遇到这本书呢?这是我看到一半时的感受。 说明一下我的意思: 在我为自己忧伤12年之后, 在我研究心理学4年之后, 在我研究社会学3年之后, 在我为了想改变,读了如此多的书的时候《拖延心理学》,《自尊的六大支柱》等等的时候, 在我和其他人一起吐槽心灵鸡...
评分07年的书,Eric Kandel的《追寻的记忆》都出来了,这本还不出来。Eric Kandel的《追寻的记忆》在Amazon上N多人好评,这本书...只有五个人打分(不过全是五星)。书的推荐序里面就有Eric Kandel写的推荐。 总的来说: 作者很牛逼(自己到wikipedia上查);讲解很通俗;内容很有...
图书标签: 心理学 思维 认知科学 心理 psychology 认知神经科学 科普 mind
Inside your head there is an amazing labor saving device; more effective than the latest high-tech computer. Your brain frees you from the everyday tasks of moving about in the world around you, allowing you to concentrate on the things that are important to you; making friends and influencing people. However, the 'you' that is released into this social world is also a construction of your brain. It is your brain that enables you to share your mental life with the people around you.
Making Up the Mind is the first accessible account of experimental studies showing how the brain creates our mental world. Using evidence from brain imaging, psychological experiments, and patient studies, Chris Frith, one of the world's leading neuroscientists, explores the relationship between the mind and the brain.
Too simple (and jokes are not funny thanks)! Bayesian model in the brain is the only interesting part. ps, damaged brains do very scaring things... sigh...
评分知觉信息在大脑中被自动整合成认知模型,生物只能通过这个模型与外部世界互动。基于贝叶斯定理的认知模型是一个top down加工过程(利用已有知识经验对外界刺激作出筛选和预测)——构建认知模型,试行错误,修正模型直到错误微小到与现实冲突可忽略为止。而通过不断修正获得的主观现实充其量只是碰巧符合客观现实而已,两者之间还是存在不可弥补的鸿沟,依旧没有人知道外部世界的真实模样。便秘了很多年的想法终于疏通了,很满足。美中不足的是作者太抬举与生俱来的错觉本能,很多结论下得武断又仓促,用词特别唬人,给人一种印象,即被大脑欺骗和玩弄是不可回避的宿命。
评分从头到尾穿插英式幽默好评 语言简单明了易懂
评分Despite some typos in this book, if possible, I'd like it to rate it with 6 stars, if not more.
Making Up the Mind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书