In what remains one of his most seminal papers, Freud considers the incompatibility of civilisation and individual happiness, and the tensions between the claims of society and the individual. We all know that living in civilised groups means sacrificing a degree of personal interest, but couldn't you argue that it in fact creates the conditions for our happiness? Freud explores the arguments and counter-arguments surrounding this proposition, focusing on what he perceives to be one of society's greatest dangers; 'civilised' sexual morality. After all, doesn't repression of sexuality deeply affect people and compromise their chances of happiness? --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
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圖書標籤: 心理學 Freud 精神分析 弗洛伊德 Psychology 社會理論 哲學 社會學/人類學
評分non-erotic aggressiveness. 這本的文風特彆“文學”……
評分弗洛伊德所有著作中最社會學的書,大篇幅諷刺文明為瞭發展而在人心中造就瞭super-ego,運用ethics,guilty來壓抑人們生物本性id中的性欲與攻擊性,從而導緻人類的不快樂,其中反駁人們相互平等互愛的片段讓人聯想起瞭憤世嫉俗的尼采。不過其基礎的設定紮根於生物學並描述為一種世間真理的態度biologically drive by instinctual desire,畢竟無法使用方法論、用經驗證據進行解釋證明的行為反正我們是受不瞭的。Freud將維多利亞時期封建保守的社會(女性極度壓抑)當成社會的固有現狀,而不反思有哪些因素造就、影響、可以改變這個社會,可以說他筆下的“文明”即便已經高度發展,也是僵化、沒有希望的,這點顯然也無法為人接受。即便非弗氏一派的心理學,和社會學仍有明顯隔閡 M
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